"Haven't we met?" // Jughead Jones

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You have just moved to Riverdale about a month ago. A month ago, your mother had gotten a job offer at Pop's, a 24-hour-diner that was in town. You were sad that you had to leave your friends behind, but it was "for the better". One August day, a few weeks before school started, you went to Pop's for lunch as a treat from your mother, who was going to be on break in five minutes. As you waited for her, you seen a boy around your age. He had dark hair, casual clothing on, and a beanie on his head with laptop in hand. To you, he looked rather familiar. You wanted to introduce yourself, but before you knew it, your mother walked over to you as soon as her break started with chicken tenders, french fries, and a soda. "Ready, dear?" she asked as you nodded. You sat at one of the booths and ate. "I miss home, mom," you told her. "I know you do, but you know I couldn't keep up with the mortgage since your father and I separated, dear. Now that we're here and I got a decent job, I can actually pay the bills AND the mortgage," she said as you sighed. She placed your hand on yours. "(Y/N), dear, stop worrying. In a few weeks, you'll start school at Riverdale High, and make new friends. I just wanted us to have a better life here," she softly said. "I understand," you said as you nodded. She smiled and looked at the time. "I better get back to work. I'll see you at home," she told you as you nodded. As your mother went back to work, you seen the boy typing away on his laptop. You slowly got up and walked up to him. "Hello," you said. The boy looked up and smiled a bit. "Oh, hello," he replied. "May I sit here? You seemed alone when I saw you walk in earlier, and I thought you could use some company," you said. "If you want," he said. "Thanks," you softly said as you sat across from him. Silence filled the restaurant. After a few moments, you spoke up. "What are you writing?" you asked. "A novel," he said. You nodded as he went back to writing. After silence struck again for awhile, you spoke up again. "I don't mean to interrupt your train of thought, but I have a question for you," you said as he looked at you. "You're not interrupting at all. I'm just about finished for now," he said as he closed his laptop. "Ask away," he said. "Haven't we met?" you asked. "I don't think we have, why?" he asked. "Well, when you walked in, you seemed familiar," you told him as he nodded. "Understandable. Hi, I'm Jughead," he said. "(Y/N). Nice to meet you, Jughead," you said as he smiled in reply. "Aren't you the girl who moved into the neighborhood back in July? I thought I saw a U-Haul outside that one day," he said. "Yeah, that's me," you said. "So, (Y/N), what brings you here to Riverdale?" he asked. "Well, my mother got a job offer here as a waitress, and since the town we used to live in was so far away, we had to move here," you explained as he nodded. "I'm assuming that you'll be going to Riverdale High in a few weeks?" he asked. "Yeah," you said with a nod. "Maybe I can show you around on the first day," he said. "I would love that," you smiled. You looked at the time. "I better get going. It was nice meeting you, Jughead," you said as he nodded. You knew that you both will be good friends one day.


(A/N): Hey there! My second imagine. Credits to a lovely user named @yayiminvolved here on Wattpad for the writing prompt in bold. I thought I would try one of her prompts out that I got from her book called "Writing prompts/Rp Starters" for this Jughead imagine. I hope you all enjoyed as much as I loved writing it.

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