"I Fell In Love With My Best Friend // Reggie Mantle {REQUESTED}

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Dedicated to: Kittycat_Noir

You and Reggie have been best friends for a while now. You were very grateful that he was in your life. On the bright side of things, your family adored him as his family adored you. For the past three years, though, you started to like Reggie more than a friend. To be frank, it seemed longer than three years.

This is when you decided to ask your best friend, Kevin Keller, for help. "Emely, why can't you casually just tell Reggie you like him?" he asked. "It's not that simple, Kev," you admitted. Kevin sighs and puts his hand on your back. "Just be honest with him, Em. Tell him your feelings," he said. 

"Why? So he can laugh at me?" you asked. "No," Kevin said as he chuckled, "it's because he needs reassurance. You may never know, Emely, he could have a crush on you back." You nodded in agreement. "You're right," you said as he smiled. 

"When will you tell him?" he asked. "After school maybe," you replied as he nodded. "You'll do fine, Em," Kevin replied as hope filled his voice. "Thanks, Kev," you said. As the end of the day came, Reggie jogged to you. 

"Emely, do you need a ride home?" he asked. "Yeah, that'll be great," you said. As you were walking to Reggie's car, you thought now would be the perfect time to tell him. "Reggie, there's something I have to tell you," you told him. "Okay, what is it?" he asked. 

You took a deep breath as you looked at him. 

"Reggie, I've known you for a long time now. For three years, I've been feeling rather different when I look at you. I've been imagining what my future would've been like with you in it. What I am trying to say is that I have a major crush on you."

Reggie looked at you as he softly smiled. You bit your bottom lip, hoping that you didn't ruin things. "I like you, too... A lot," he admitted. You smiled softly as he gave you a warm hug. This was the best day ever.

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