"I don't want you to leave" // Archie Andrews

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**Note: (Y/N) = Your Name, (Y/E/C) = Your Eye Color**


You and Archie broke up a few months ago. During those few months, things got rough; whispers in the halls, rumors going around. You never seem to get those things out of your head. As you walked home, your best friend, Betty, caught up with you. "(Y/N), are you okay?" she asked. "Not sure. Why?" you asked. "I don't know, you just been so distant lately," she said with concern. You sighed, and faced her as you stopped in your tracks. "These past few months have been hell, Betty. There are whispers in the halls, rumors going around school about Archie...I-I don't know what to believe anymore," you softly told her. Betty pulled you in for a soft hug as tears streamed down your face. "I think you and Archie need to sit down and talk about this, (Y/N). It's for your own good, maybe for Archie's own good, too," Betty said after you broke the hug. You nodded as you wiped the leftover tears away. As the clock struck six-thirty that evening, you sat in a booth at Pop's, waiting for Archie to show. You took a deep breath as you seen Archie. He sat across from you as he cleared his throat. "Hi, (Y/N)," Archie said. "Evening, Archie, thanks for meeting up with me. As I've said in my text, we needed to talk," you told him softly. He nodded. "Ever since we broke up, things became rough. They became so rough, that I would feel my heart shatter every single day. I've been hearing whispers in the hall at school, even rumors about you. Archie, I need to know if the rumors are true...you know, about you and Veronica?" you asked him as your voice cracked. Archie sighed, "It is, but..." Before he could finish, a tear streamed down your face. "(Y/N), the kiss I shared with Veronica that night at Cheryl's meant nothing. You have to believe me," Archie said. "What's there to believe if everyone said that she was bragging about it, Archie?" you asked. "(Y/N), why are you like this?" he asked as he started to get annoyed. "Because, Archie, I still care about you," you answered as you sighed. His eyes soften as he met with your (Y/E/C) eyes that were watery. "I think I should go," you whispered as you stood up and got your jacket on. As you were about to leave, Archie called for you. "(Y/N)!" he shouted. You turned around and seen him walk up to you. "I don't want you to leave. I'm afraid, because what if...what if you leave and it doesn't feel any different?" he asked. "I-I don't know," you admitted. Archie pulled you in for a hug as you softly hugged him back. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry, too," you softly said in reply.


(A/N): Hey there! So, this is my first imagine in this book, so I hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. I am giving credit to this account on tumblr for the prompt in bold: putthepromptsonpaper.tumblr.com. I tried to place this prompt in with this Archie imagine, so I hope I didn't write it too bad. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more imagines!

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