Jughead Jones {REQUESTED}

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At Riverdale High, you have certain cliques that hang out, such as outcasts and popular kids. You so happened to be the popular girl with the popular clique, but with a dark side. To be quite frank, this "dark side" you had was worse than Betty Cooper's. You realized this after Betty opened up to you about what she did. Nobody knows about this dark side of yours, not even Jughead. Jughead has been your best friend for years, but you started having a crush on him over a year ago. The reason that nobody knows is because of you trying to play it off.

On the inside, you know that it's hard to push off something like that, but on the outside, you play it off as it was no big deal. You decided to have Jughead over for dinner, which your parents allowed of course since they treat him with the love and respect that he deserves. At dinner, your parents were talking badly amongst themselves about the Lodge family. Hiram and Hermione's daughter, Veronica, so happened to be one of your good friends. When you had enough, you got up and flipped the table as you started screaming.

"You have no right to talk about Veronica like that! How dare you?!"

After everything that happened, you realized what you have done and excused yourself from the table, Jughead following you. "Brianna, what was that all about?" Jughead asked. You started explaining to him how you have a dark side and how worse it got overtime. "Also, there's something else I have to share," you told him as Jughead nodded, which was the signal for you to continue.

"Jughead, ever since we were friends, I was always happy around you. To be honest, I feel like I can be myself and not let anything else in the world bother me. What I am trying to say is that I have a crush on you. I have for over a year now. I didn't open up about it because I thought that you wouldn't feel the same."

Jughead stared at you as he was trying to find the words to say. "If you don't feel the same, I understand. I mean, why would you want to be with a monster like me anyway?" you asked as tears started filling up. Just then, he placed his hand on your cheek as he brought you into a kiss. As you kissed him, you felt that his lips were very soft as the kiss was tender. He pulled away and smiled softly.

"If I didn't feel the same, I wouldn't have kissed you, Brianna."

You smiled and leaned on Jughead's shoulder. This bad day turned into a good day in a matter of minutes. 

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