"Doing It Wrong" // Jughead Jones {REQUESTED}

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Dedicated to: Dolanzip

You and Jughead have been dating for a while, six months to be exact. Since you both started dating, you've been very happy. The both of you have known each other since you were in diapers and never knew that you would fall for each other one day until six months ago. While you and Jughead were dating, you felt someone else staring at you in the classes that you shared with them. That someone was Jughead's best friend, Archie Andrews.

Why would Archie be staring at me in class? you thought to yourself. You shook off the thought as you were enjoying your day at Riverdale High. It wasn't until lunchtime that Archie came up to you. "Hey there, Iliana," he said with a small wave. "Hello, Archie," you replied. "I was wondering if you'd like to grab a milkshake at Pop's later? I know it's kind of weird for me to ask you, but I just wanted to talk," he said. "Uh, sure, Archie, that'll be great," you slowly said as you gave a fake smile. "Great, meet me there at 5:30," he replied with a smile as he walked away. As 5:30 came around, you saw Archie sitting at one of the booths and waved you over. After you sat down and ordered a strawberry milkshake, you looked at a nervous Archie. "What is it that you have to tell me, Archie?" you asked as he took a deep breath.

"I know this might sound crazy, but ever since I met you in the second grade, something about you made me attracted to you in a way that I can't describe. Truth is, Iliana, I really like you a whole lot, but I'm not sure if you feel the same way. Do you?"

You took a deep breath and looked at him with soft eyes. "Archie, you're very sweet and all, but I'm dating Jughead, and I'm very happy with him."

As you said this, Archie leaned in and tried to kiss you. It wasn't until moments later that someone walked into Pop's and seen what Archie was trying to do as they spoke up.


Once you heard your name, you looked at them. It was Jughead. He stood there with a blank expression on his face. "Jug, I swear, this isn't what it looks like!" you said. After moments of silence, Jughead turned around and left. You sighed and looked at Archie. "I'm sorry, Arch, but I have to handle this. Thanks for the milkshake," you said as he nodded. You ran after Jughead as he walked ahead of you.

"Jughead! Jughead, wait up!"

You kept repeating that until he turned around. "What was that all about, Iliana?! Why were you there with Archie?!" He asked angrily. "He said he wanted to talk, Jug, I didn't know he was going to lean in and try to kiss me after he admitted to having feelings for me!" you shouted. You both bickered back and forth until you started crying. After realizing what just happened, Jughead pulled you in for a hug. "I'm so sorry, babe. I... I didn't know you told Archie that you didn't feel the same way," he said apologetically. "It's okay. Mind walking me home?" you asked as he nodded. You both walked hand in hand after calming down.

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