Friend from stranger

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"Serena, hurry up! We're late for school!"
"I know, geez! Be patient, will ya?"

Just another normal sunny day. Serena, a 16-year-old girl, being late for school (again). She's rushing down the floor where her brother, Alain, waited for her for ages.
"The heck are you doing up there?" Alain asked curiously
"That's none of your business, just go to that crappy place, anyway"
Serena get inside the car, owned by Alain. While he was driving, she just quiet and thought. Serena is sick of school. That school is Vanivile High, the school for a bunch of idiots and nerds in her view. She's the most attractive girl of the school, and also got attentions from other boys. But she thinks they just a flock of blockheads and doofus, they don't deserve her.

Alain's car stopped in front of the entrance. Serena walked out and heard his voice: "Try not to stuck any fights, Sere". She didn't turn back and keep walking. She thought about all of the fights she attempted that almost got her suspended. But all of the fights had its purpose. One time she punched a female student older than her just to protect a boy. Or the time she beat up a bully trying to steal something from a child. Serena maybe hardcore, strong and unfriendly, but almost none of the students realized her good personality. What she didn't know was she gonna meet a person that will change her life forever.

"Oh Arceus, I can't be late on my first day"
A 16-year-old boy running along the corridor, holding a schedule. He didn't talk or even look anyone's face. He burried his face behind his backpack. He's Ash Ketchum, a shy and quiet boy. He didn't have any friend as his aunt and uncle keep moving different place. Yes, Ash is an orphan. He's adopted by a couple that he called them Mom and Dad just to have some family atmosphere. He lives with that couple with his younger sister, May.

"OUCH!" a shout from a girl that he bumped into, right when the author is talking about his family. It was Serena
Ash was surprised and shocked, he messed up in this situation, but he soon calmed down and apologized
"Sorry, I-I didn't see y-you" he apologized while giving Serena his hand. Serena was mad at first, but it's before she looked up and saw Ash. "He.... gave me a help?" She thought with surprised. Of course, most of the students would run away, especially when they messed with her. But Ash was different. She thought Ash was kind of generous, helpful and..... cute. She snapped out from the thought and stood up. Ash then soon realized this was Serena Yvonnes, the most hardcore girl, the "gangster" of Vanivile. He soon became scared and prepared for any punishment. However, Serena comforted him
"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. Thanks, anyway" she said it while making a small smile
"Please, I'm so sorry, forgive me" Ash panicked. Serena saw that so she put her hand on his shoulder, signaling him to calm down.
"By the way, do you know where is room 420" Ash calmed down and handed his schedule to Serena
"Oh, we are the same class! Follow me!" Serena responded then grab Ash's wrist, dragging him to the class
"H-hey, slow down." Ash shyly said
"Then hurry up! The author is not gonna delete you" Serena responded

They headed inside room 420 for the Biology class. When they stepped in, the whole class stared at them. Not because Ash was the new student, it because he went in with Serena, the "gangster" of Vanivile High
"Oh, you must be Ash Ketchum" - the biology teacher, Elm, said - "Take your seat, the class will be started soon"
Serena returned to her seat, but keep looking to Ash. She thought something is special about him. Ash took his seat just behind Serena.
"Hey man, I didn't ask your name" Serena turned around to ask Ash, as Ash was looking down the ground, shivering
"I-It's Ash Ketchum" Ash answered, shivering
"Hey buddy, keep your face up! Why are you so scared, is it because I'm Serena Yvonnes they are talking about?" Serena joked, but Ash just nodded
"Now that's rude, you know. Anyway, enjoy the class"
That was the first time Serena ever talked to someone such long, besides her brother. The whole class was stared at what they just witnessed.

Class after class, Serena kept asking or talking to Ash, but all she got just his nod or shake. Serena of course was annoyed and angry, but who could blame for doing that, especially with the one that was famous in Vanivile High

The school bell rang for lunch time. Serena decided to sit alone, even though she wanted to sit with Ash, because she thought Ash won't respond just like in class.
"Hey little boy, give me your lunch money, or else!"
A shout given an attention from Serena. She hurriedly ran to the spot where it happened. It was a bully, trying to steal the money from a boy.
"Hey little one, hesitate huh?!" The bully saying while kicking at the boy's stomach, make the boy collapsed and sobbed
"HEY! WHY DON'T YOU PICK SOMEONE AT YOUR OWN SIZE, PUNK!" Serena shouted at the bully
"Oh, there she is, Serena Yvonnes. What ya gonna do now?!"
"How about THIS?!" Serena landed a kick to the bully's face, without realizing that she's wearing skirt, making the author blushed a bit. The bully fell on the ground, ran away. Serena then confronted the boy, lifting his face and realized it was Ash! (but you guys probably knew this, right?)
"ASH!" Serena handed Ash, as he was slowly standing up
"S-Serena, I-" Ash said but cut off by Serena, who was checking him and saw a bruise
"Gosh Ash, you had a bruise. Let me take care of it" Serena then took out a bandage from her backpack and take care of the bruise. She maybe hardcore but she's good at medical
"Serena, I'm sorry for what happened. I wasn't trying to-" Ash then got cut off by the comfort sudden hug from Serena, but she quickly pushed back, blushing a bit
"You don't need to sorry, baka" Serena giggling a bit, causing Ash to blush from the word "baka"
"All right, c'mon bright cheek boy, let's head to class"
Serena grabbed Ash wrist again and started dragging him. Ash then hurriedly ran behind. They both thought about the friendship they made. With Serena, she probably found someone who can become her friend (or could be her slave). What they didn't realize was someone sneaking behind, angrily...

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