Live as a family

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It had been 5 days since Ash and Serena started their relationship. They went to school together, had lunch together and went home together. It seemed that nothing can separate them, or is it? It was Sunday night, Ash and Serena were texting

Ashy boo: Hey Honey cake, can you come to my place?

Honey cake: First, stop calling me that. It's kind of embarrassing when you overuse it. Second, I can't. I have Chemistry to learn

Ashy boo: Oh c'mon. Just come over. Just like a sleepover

Honey cake: No, I can't. I'm not going to run out my house and break in your windows just like last time. Plus, it's kind of odd when a girl sleep with a boy

Ashy boo: You just think about how society would think, huh? Oh don't be like that. I know you want "it"

Honey cake: Stop singing Blurred lines in front of my face or you will be sorry, you got that you perverted freak?!

Ashy boo: *sending Trash dove sticker to Serena*

Honey cake: If you send that annoying bird one more time I'll rip off your head, got that?!

Ashy boo: Fine, whatever you say Honey cake
Ashy boo: *sending another Trash dove sticker to Serena*

Honey cake: ASH KETCHUM!

*Ash Ketchum logged out*

Ash just lying on his bed and sighed. He knew that the only thing separated Serena from him was distance. Their house were far away. They only could meet face to face in weekends. There must be some solutions for it. Same with Ash, Serena was thinking about something could help her and Ash see each other more often.
"Serena, still thinking about your boyfriend, huh?" Alain suddenly put his hand on Serena's shoulder, stunted her
"O-Oh, it's you" - Serena sighed in relief - "I don't know, Ali. I was far away from Ash. We only see each other at school or in weekends. If only there's a way for us."
"First, when did you start to call me Ali?" - Alain asked when Serena smiled - "Second, about your problem, well, just think for yourself, I'm out" Alain walked out
"Alain Yvonne (have to change his name)" Serena mumbled while clenching her fist. Alain was always like that.
"Oh, if you want to see him so bad, why don't you go and live with him?" Alain shouted from outside. This idea was crazy, but something sparked in Serena's mind. Something only Arceus would know...

The next morning, Ash slowly woke up from the sleep. He felt a pair of hands holding his legs. He thought it was Serena, who might have broken in his windows once again
"Good morning, Honey cake, morning kiss for me?" Ash leaned in
"Ugh, I can't believe my sister would love someone like you" A voice came out, it was lower than a female voice. Ash slowly opened his eyes and saw... Alain.
"Are you gay, little twat?" Alain stared at him. Ash's face was only centimeters away from Alain's
"OH MY ARCEUS, GET OFF ME!" Ash screamed in panic, then he heard a familiar giggle behind
"Ash, I can't believe you're gay. Maybe you should play with your waifu pillows from now on" Ash turned around and saw Serena
"Morning, Ashy boo" Serena said then give him a morning kiss
"Serena, that boy almost make me lose my first kiss" Alain argued
"Oh c'mon Alain, that's not how you treat your new family member" Serena said. Ash was confused about "family member".
"Serena, what do you mean "family member"? Ash asked
"Oh my Ashy boo, that's mean I'm moving to your house, to live with you" Serena gently touched Ash's nose. But he didn't react. He stood up immediately and ran downstairs. What he saw made him jaw dropped. There were two muscular men carried a bunch of boxes. They contained Serena and Alain's stuff.

"Oh my Arceus, this is a dream, isn't it" - Ash said as he pinched himself - "Ouch! It is real"
Ash then had breakfast with May and his new "family member". It had an awkward silence.
"So, Ash. How did you meet my sister?" Alain broke the silence
"Well, I just bumped into her while I was running along the corridor, that's all" Ash answered, made Serena and May facepalmed. That was Ash's best answer he had ever said. The whole table went on an awkward silence again, even the author could hear the sound of flies

Luckily, they finished their breakfast. Alain helped May cleaned up, while Ash and Serena decided to go outside for fresh air.
"Serena, that was a bit sudden. Why did you do that?" Ash asked
"I thought you've figured it out" Serena said
"Was it because of the Trash dove stickers I sent you?" Ash asked
"No, you baka, even I really want to kill you now. I moved to your house because I miss you, Ash. Just like husband and wife, they have to live in the same house"
"Uh, what kind of comparison is that?"Ash asked
"Oh, j-just forget it" - Serena said, she knew she messed up - "Look, Ash, I need to tell you something"

Serena then pinned Ash to a wall
"Uh, Serena, we're only 16, remember? I don't want to lose "it" now" Ash said
"The heck are you thinking, baka? You really are a dirty minded" Serena said
"You seem to like using the word "baka" huh?" Ash joked
"J-just shut up, there's something I need to tell you" Serena whispered to Ash's ear. Then she suddenly slapped Ash
"That's for all the Trash doves you sent me!" Serena shouted at Ash, who was bowed his head in regret, but Serena kissed Ash on the same spot she slapped
"And that's for being the best boyfriend I've ever had"
"Hey, don't just kiss on the cheek" Ash said
"Okay Ashy boo. I love you"
"I love you, too, Honey cake" Ash and Serena leaned in. They were only inches away until...

"So you ditched me for that boy, huh?" A figure shouted from behind
"Calem, what do you want?!" Serena shouted back
"Just some business." - Calem told Serena then glanced at Ash - "So Ashy boy, you still didn't figure out, huh? Well, wanna have some bad time?" Calem said as he kicked Ash in the side
"ASH!" Serena saw Ash in horror, but this time Ash still managed to stood up
"Calem, you are not a threat of me, so if you don't want to be battered, you better back off!" Ash shouted at Calem. Serena was shocked. Ash wasn't the shy and weak boy she used to know. Now he's a brave and strong one, ready to take back everything
"Oh, what we got over here? A weak and wanky boy wanna be a hero for his girl, huh?" Calem glanced at Ash
"Yeah, I love Serena, I even nicknamed her. Problem?" Ash said with a smile
"Wanna be a meme? Well, I tell you this painful truth, some of the meme will die, and so will YOU!" Calem then charged at Ash. This time, Ash quickly dodged it and grabbed a metal cane nearby. He used it to block every Calem's attack. But Calem was too strong that the cane was broken in half

"Oh shoot" Ash quickly grabbed a water pipe lying on the ground
"To be honest, why are so many dangerous trash lying?" Serena confused
"The author added it, just ask him" Ash said, just to be hit with another water pipe, not from the author, but from Calem.
"This is the end, Ash. No one can save you, even the author" Calem smiled evilly
"Stay away from my Ash" Serena charged behind, but just to be kicked in the stomach. She cried in pain
"Stay back there! Soon when I send him to heaven, you're next!" Calem shouted at Serena, and turn to Ash, who was lying on the ground in pain
"Say bye-bye, Ashy boy" Calem was holding a knife, about to stab Ash's heart

"HEY! THERE'S ONLY ONE GUY WHO CAN CALL HIM ASHY BOY!" A familiar voice ran to Calem, who was stunted

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