Because my name is ASH KETCHUM

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Ok, before I start this chapter, I have to say this: THE WIFI HERE IS SO CRAPPY! Gosh, it's gonna take like hours to update
Well, here we go, I guess

"So you want it, Ash? You want to be hurted?" Calem smirked at Ash

"So what? I'm not gonna see the world being controlled by a buttface" Ash shouted

"You better SHUT UP!" Calem threw a punch at Ash, but he dodged it

"All this time, you were busy sticking our head into that stupid plan of your father!" Ash stared at Calem while walking around the room

"He's your father, too, you know?" Calem said

"He's NOT, ANYMORE! RED XANDER IS A CRIMINAL, AND I'M NOT GOING ALONG THAT ROAD" - Ash shouted at Calem - "Does he even care about you? No, instead, he turned you into a dark lord and make you take over the world"

"SHUT UP, KETCHUM. He's the best father I've ever had, unlike your great uncle and aunt of yours"

"Seem like I need to widen your eyes, huh?" Ash grabbed a pipe and charged at Calem. Calem quickly took out his knife and fought back. It was the fight between two family, two blood lines, Ketchum and Xander, with the world on the line. Calem then kicked Ash. Ash was lying in pain. He knew that he wasn't strong enough to face Calem.

"Weakling. Loser. Dirthead. Little boy..." all of those words echoed in Ash's head. He soon slowly became desperate

However, this changed

"Never give up till it's over!" A sudden voice echoed. Ash slowly opened his eyes from that, then he heard something

"DON'T GIVE UP! DON'T GIVE UP! DON'T GIVE UP!" That was the voices coming from above. It was the citizen of Vanivile Town, but not only that, the whole world were chanting for him. But that wasn't effective until he heard this

"ASH, IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, GET BACK UP! DON'T GIVE UP TILL IT'S OVER" That voice was from Serena, who was shouting from above. She wanted Ash to win this fight and got back with her

"Look like the world really care for you, huh?" - Calem smirked at Ash, and suddenly offered him his hand - "But you know, after all, all of your effort will soon be nothing, and you can only watch the world being controlled by me. However, what if it will be controlled by both of us? Ash, your Xander blood line is still flowing in your veins. There's an evil side in you, and you need to wake it up. So Ash, join me. Together, we will make this world a better place. What do you say, my cousin?" Calem told Ash.

Ash suddenly grabbed Calem's hand and shook it. But he pulled Calem in
"You're right. This world can be a better place.... without your FACE!" Ash then stomped Calem.

"Why you little..." Calem charged at Ash, but got knocked out

"Together, with the power from the civilization of the Earth, I will protect them. I will save them. Because my name is Ash Ketchum. I have the Ketchum blood line. I shall save the world from evil. And for you, Calem" - Ash walked to Calem - "Xander Clan shall be DELETED!"

Ash then kicked and punched Calem repeatedly, with Calem couldn't even counter anything. When Calem was lying on the ground, half-unconscious, Ash walked to the machine and smashed the power source, made it exploded

"Don't you see, Calem, this is the power of hope, trust and goodness. You won't feel that."

"Oh, but can you feel this?" Calem then hit a button beside the control panel. This made the whole basement collapsed. Calem tried to get back up, but he soon fell to the underground, without any source of life. Ash was looking for a way out, but it had been blocked. He soon accepted the fate and bowed his head

"Serena, I guess this is our farewell." He mumbled, while tears running down his cheeks.

Back to Serena, she was listening to the sound of crumbling and exploding. And then


A big explosion took place in the basement

"No, no, Ash, you can't be..." Serena covered her face and crying. Gary and Alain was heartbroken when they heard it, but they tried to stay strong

A few days later, Vanivile Police started to investigate the whole place. Their final report made Serena collapsed and fainted

"Ash Ketchum... is nowhere to be seen..."

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