Alone time? Not a chance

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After the incident with Calem, the whole team was rethinking about Ash and Serena's alone time. After they finished discussing, they called both of them to come down
"What is it, brother?" Serena asked
"Well, we did some discussion about the "future", and I think the conclusion will pain you two a bit" Alain
"Pain or not, we'll take it!" Ash grabbed Serena's hand, made her blushed slightly
"All right. We have decided to follow you two anytime. No alone time or dating" Gary answered
"Wait, what?! So how can I and her do some "friendly gestures" now?"
"Calm down, Ashy boy. You two can do some smoochy, just, inside our house" Gary said
"Well, that's bouffalant-shite. Even I and Ash can't have a single date?" Serena asked angrily
"Look, you have to understand the situation. That talking butthead named Calem can be lurking around anywhere. He could even bring out the whole clan to kill Ashy boy, as he's his target from now on. So until Xander Clan is gone, there's no date for you" Gary answered
"I know, it just, me and Ash are going to go on a date this afternoon"
"Then we'll go with both of you" Alain said
"And maybe we can book a hotel for both of you, if you want to" Gary smirked at Ash and Serena, cause both of them blushing
"Uh, big bro, what did he mean?" May asked innocently to Ash, who was panicking
"Oh, it's a couple going to the hotel to get a room and-" Gary got cut off by Ash
"Too much information, Oak tree" Ash said while blushing
"I know, it's because you two are just 16 years of age. Hey, maybe I can ask the author to make both of you 20"
"SHUT UP, GARY!" - Serena shouted at Gary - "Although I really want to" she mumbled
"You what, Serena?" Ash turned to Serena
"Uh, n-nothing" Serena blushed

That afternoon, Ash and Serena walked out again, but this time companied by Alain, Gary and May
"Uh, can you guys just go somewhere else? We'll be safe" Serena asked
"No, not a chance. We will protect you 24/7, so deal with it" Gary answered
They walked to a mall, where Serena dragged Ash in because she wanted "something"
"Uh, Serena, what are you-" Ash got cut off when Serena put her finger in Ash's lips
"Now our chance, just do it" Serena pointed at her lips to give Ash a signal. He leaned in and was about to kiss her when...

"Hey big bro, can I buy this shirts?" May shouted to Ash, made him blushed heavily
"Yeah, sure. I'll get my wallet" Ash ran to May, while Serena just banged her head to the wall
After getting May some new clothes, they were wandering around the mall, until Serena thought of something
"Uh, guys, I need to go to the restroom." Serena said then winked at Ash, who quickly got the idea
"Yeah, me too. See you a bit" Ash ran to the restroom with Serena
"Finally, now our chance, Ashy. Just do it" Serena leaned in Ash
"Don't let your dream be dream, right?" Ash also leaned in until their faces were centimeters apart
"Hey Ashy boy, go to the men's restroom. Ya want to see some ladies?" Gary smirked to Ash, made he blushed again
"U-Uh n-no. I-I'm not a perv like you" Ash laughed nervously
"Whatever you say, Ashy boy" Gary rolled his eyes, while Serena looked at him with I'll-kill-you face

They ate jn a restaurant. Serena knew this also her chance to kiss Ash
"Hey, I will get the menu over there. You coming, Ashy?" She winked at Ash
"Yeah, why not?" Serena grabbed Ash's hand and into a dark corner of the restaurant
"Finally, alone time, at last." Serena leaned in Ash one more time, but faster. They were about to kiss untill...
"Hey Serena, this restaurant's menu is unique or what." Alain called Serena
"ALAIN YVONNE!" Serena clenched her fist while Ash tried to calm her down
"Serena, calm down, I think it just-" Ash got cut off
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Ash, don't you see? They're interrupting us by purpose. This is the worst date ever" Serena let out a little tears
"Come on. Don't cry, Serena. I will find a way to solve this" Ash hugged her and rubbed her back
"Thanks, Ashy. Now, let's get back to the others" Serena let out a smile and followed Ash back to the table

They walked out the restaurant after the meal and went back home
"Can't believe this date could be like this. I'm so frustrated" Serena mumbled, but enough for Ash to hear
"Don't bother it. I will kiss you nonstop when we got home, ok?" Ash asked and she nodded

Suddenly, he noticed a group of five. What interesting was they wore a mask with a letter X on it. They also wore a blue suit with the letter X behind, covered with blood. Ash soon realized something bad
"Serena, we need to go, now!" Ash whispered to Serena
"Why, Ash, there's something wrong?" Serena asked
"Well, yeah. I found a group of people, but their appearance made me remembered something" Ash said

However, after what Ash just said, they were blocked by that group
"Well, well, well, if this isn't Ash Ketchum?" One of the members grinned at Ash
"H-How could you know my name?" Ash panicked
"Oh, sorry for our impoliteness, let us introduced ourselves. We are the grunts of Xander Clan, and following the order from our leader, Xantorus, we will capture YOU!"

The grunt said as he pushed both Ash and Serena into an alleyway. He then charged at Ash just to receive a punch from him
"Don't you dare put a hand on me and Serena!" Ash shouted
"Oh, so this twerpette is Serena. You know, my leader would like some "bedtime" with you" The grunt smirked at Serena
"I'll kill you!" Serena kicked the grunt's jaw, joining the fight with Ash. They both did their best to protect themselves, but the group just too many. Serena then was suddenly grabbed by one of the grunts
"Come on, Honey cake. Our leader is "dying" to see you at our base" He grabbed her collar so strong that she couldn't do anything but cried from it
"THERE'S ONLY ONE GUY CAN CALL HER HONEY CAKE, AND THAT'S ME!" Ash charged at the grunt and performed the same kick Serena did when she saved Ash from the bully in his first day. This made the grunt let out Serena in pain. Serena was shocked and stunted, but quickly embraced Ash and hugged him

"You little brat!" All of the grunts attacked Ash and Serena, but suddenly they were locked in a position
"How dare you touch my sister and her boyfriend" Alain, from behind, used his scarf to locked all of the grunts' necks. He then threw the grunts to one side
"If you mess with Ashy boy, you mess with me" Gary threw a punch to each of the grunts' faces. The grunts finally stunted and back off, but before that, one of them turned back
"Just you wait! All of you will soon be eliminated!" He said as the grunts disappeared in the dark
"Thank you, and where's May" Ash asked and sighed in relief when he found May sneaked out in a corner
"Oh now you thank them! Just think of what they've done this afternoon!" Serena groaned
"What, we don't understand" Gary said
"Oh don't play dumb. All of you are trying to interrupt our romantic moments. This is the worst date! First being interrupted three times. THREE. EFFING. TIMES. And being attacked by a bunch of bonehead. How could this day be worse?" Serena cried a bit, while Ash rubbed her back to comfort her
"Oh, that?!" - Alain laughed - "We thought you two were going to do something not suitable for young audience, so we had to stop"
"Did you just call me "baka"?" Alain confused
"Ok, enough. I think we need to pay them back" Gary said. Then he ordered Alain to covered May's eyes and guarding outside with him, left some alone time to Ash and Serena.

"Uh, Ash, this is kind of embarrassing. You sure you want-" Serena got cut off when Ash putted his finger on Serena's lips
"Shhh, Serena, just do it, okay?" Ash asked
"Don't let your dream be dream" Serena and Ash leaned in and kissed passionately, in fact, they made out right in the alley
"God, this is gonna bring me cancer" Gary gagged
"Stay strong, Gary, we deserved this after all" Alain said but also trying to control his sickness
"Uh, Alain, what is the strange sound behind my back?" May asked
"You'll understand when you're older" Alain told May
"Ok, you two lovebirds done? We need to go home, it's been 10 minutes" Gary shouted

"Yes, we're coming!" Both Ash and Serena shouted back in unison as they were panting for air. They all went home together. Now the family had become bigger, with a pervert, a lovable young sister, a protective brother and a love couple. They both in a family, with only one target: putting Xander Clan to an end (oh, and also get to the next grade at school as they are still students anyway)

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