About your family

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Back to Sunday afternoon, Ash was cured from his you-know-what-ache. However, he couldn't walk at least in 4 hours, so Serena decided to accompany with him

"It's sure going to be lonely without me, right Ashy?" Serena smiled

"It wouldn't if not because of you" Ash mumbled

"What, you still, mad at me?" Serena started to cry a bit

"No, no. I'm just kidding, ok? It's my fault" Ash calmed her down

"You better be" Serena glanced at him

"I just... missed my good old Serena"

"What do you mean by that?" Serena asked

"Well, I still remembered my first day at Vanivile High. I remembered you used to drag me to different classrooms. And especially, I remembered that Hi-Jump Kick you gave to that bully. That was totally epic!" Ash said

"Yeah, I guess I was that badass in school"

"So where are you?" - Ash asked confused Serena a bit - "You seem a bit weaker and much more sensitive. Where is that old version of you?"

"So you hate this new me?" Serena asked sadly

"No, I like it, well, just "like". The reason I love you because I love girls that "extraordinary" from others. I mean, I love girls that are strong, hardcore but caring. You seem to lose almost all of it, Serena"

"Well, I need to change, for you, Ash."

"However, you don't need to. Look, since the fourth wall is already broken so I'll say it, anyway. The reason the readers are here because they want to see you, Serena. They want to see a delinquent, hardcore and strong Serena, unlike "that Serena" from Pokemon XY&Z. But, all of your personalities must have been switched to me. It just... I don't feel like this is the real you" Ash said

"Well, I guess I got what the author want to say in this book" Serena said made Ash confused

"Look, that's why he put each other into a couple. He wants to show the readers our inner self to be exposed. That's the whole point of the book. You see, I started to show my "girly personality", while you have been exposed, or awoken, your true self, brave, strong and protective. With you, I don't scare at Calem or his Xander Clan, as long as you're here." Serena laid her head on Ash's chest (that's the whole point I want to show you guys)

"I guess you're right" - Ash sighed - "Hey, instead of spending 4 hours doing nothing, how about we play or watch something?"

"Good idea, Ashy. What's on TV?" Serena asked

"Um, Pokemon Sun and Moon"

"Let's skip that, that series sucks"

"To be honest, why are you so cruel to it, especially when it has me?" Ash asked

"Well, it doesn't have what we really want. You wanna know what I feel about each of your companions? Lilies: aka Miss I-can't-touch-pokemon-even-I'm-learning-at-a-pokemon-school. Kiawe (not sure how to spell his name): Brock with Fire Pokemon. Lana: Dawn's twin sister. And Mallow is just a remake of me with green hair. What the heck?" Serena explained made Ash chuckled

"You should feel lucky. If you were in that series, your image would be ruined badly" - Ash said then frowned - "Just like mine"

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