You're mine, and always be mine (Valentine special)

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(A/N: Okay, this story has nothing to do with the main storyline. Let's just say that Calem is not existed, Ash and Serena have become a couple, and Serena has short hair. This chapter maybe a little short, more like a one shot, I think. So if you are hoping for an early "smoochy" between Serena and Ash, well, this is for you. Enjoy. BTW, Valentine is actually 2 days later in my country, from the day I write this, and I have another Valentine special for the other book, I decided to upload this a bit early. Pls don't kill me.)

It's 14/2 today, Valentine day. On this day, love is in the air. Well, not in Serena's head actually. She thinks Valentine day is just a normal day, and another fact that she hates chocolate. It's not because she has an allergy or she hates the taste, it's because other boys just give chocolate to her. In Serena's mind, boys in Vanivile High are just a bunch of perverts and douchebags. Usually when she receives chocolate from any boy, she just throws it into the trash cans or sewages. So we can say Serena is a heartbreaker of Valentine.

But not this time. She has met a generous and heart-warming boy, Ash Ketchum. They officially in a relationship with each other after the faithful night on- oh god, spoiler. Serena knows her boyfriend might be doing something this Valentine. But no, when she stepped in the class and all the boys started to give her chocolate (and you know what was the result), Ash was just doing something with a box.

"Hey Ash, what's up with the box?" Serena asked
"Oh, just wrapping something for someone I love." Ash answered back made Serena blushed
"Just to let you know, I like dark chocolate, so if you are struggle-" Serena then got cut off by Ash
"What do you mean, I'm wrapping this for May, my sister. She cares a lot about me, that's why I love her, as a brother" Ash said, turning Serena's smile into a frown. She thought that Ash was still dense like a rock, even after that night
"Okay, whatever you say" Serena sadly took her seat. Little did she know, Ash was giggling behind her back, knowing she didn't see the surprise yet

In lunch break, she decided to sit alone, since Ash still struggling with the ribbon. Serena thought about lots of things
"What's up with Ash today? Does he forget what happen after that night? Does Ash.... don't love me anymore? He said that box was for May, but... what if it's not May but it's Miette? Oh, I don't know, I don't want to lose him. I love him..." Serena thought in tears. This Valentine could be the worst of her life.

After school, Serena walked home alone. She didn't want to wait for Ash, since her heart was broken.
"Serena, wait for me!" A familiar shout stopped Serena
"Oh, hey Ash" She answered coldly
"What's up with you today? You didn't talk to me the whole time" Ash asked worriedly "Look, come with me" Ash then grabbed Serena's hand into an alleyway
"What do you want?" Serena didn't look at Ash's face
"Hey, what's wrong with you, why so cold?" Ash asked
"What's wrong with me, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO'S WRONG. TELL ME THE TRUTH, YOU FORGOT ME OR NOT?!" - Serena sobbed - "All this time, I care about you. I'm your girlfriend. I was hoping for a beautiful and romantic Valentine, for me. I love you. I love you with all my heart. I don't care if you are shy or weak. But now, you forgot about me. You lied me about May. Who are you dating now, huh? Miette, Misty? Oh great, you see. You didn't even care about your girlfriend. And now finally you noticed me? You know what? We should break up. I HATE YOU!" Serena said with watery eyes. Ash then laughing a bit and pulled Serena into a hug, as she sobbed in his T-shirt
"Oh Serena, you really is a silly." - Ash said which made Serena confused - "I love you, okay. If you mean the box this morning, then no. That's box is for you, my angel. I didn't have time to prepare it. So I had to lie to you about May. You are my girlfriend, how could I forget about you. Look, I'm not really good at words, so all I can say is "Happy Valentine day, my strong angel" Ash wiped her tears away and gave her the box. It was wrapped in pink and had a cerulean blue ribbon, same color with Serena's eyes
"Oh Ash, you baka. You could have told me earlier. I'm so stupid, am I?" Serena keep sobbing in Ash, but this time it was the tears of joy
"No, you're not, Serena. You are my sweet Honey cake" Ash hugged Serena, rubbing her back to comfort her
"I'll forever cherish this gift. But is there anything I have to give you?" Serena smiled

"Well, you do owe me one" Ash said and pointed his lips as a sign. Serena got the idea, so she leaned in closer to Ash and kissed him passionately. They kissed like there's no tomorrow. But this kiss was special. Serena had put a chocolate in her mouth. As they were kissing, their tongues passed the chocolate to each other's mouth, sharing the sweetness and melted it (I know, it sounds kind of disgusting more than romantic), that's the kiss especially on Valentine, the Chocolate kiss.

"You know Ash, if this book wasn't PG, and the author didn't make us 16 years old, we would end this Valentine in style" Serena said in a seductive tone to Ash
"What the-, who's that?"
"I'm the author. Now, end this chapter quickly, I need you two for my Truth or Dare book!"
"Ok, ok, take it easy. Geez" Serena then said goodbye to Ash and kissed him one last time. They both thought this was the best Valentine ever, as the fourth wall, well, you know its fate, and the moon keep shining, ending one romantic Valentine.

Annnnnd done! That's my Valentine special for this book. Damn, 2 chapters in one day, I should replace Arceus. Anyway, I'm not done yet. Tomorrow, I will upload Valentine special on my Truth or Dare book, so if you want to, just wait for it. There will be a bunch of shipping and tortu- I mean moment only in Valentine. Okay, peace ✌️

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