I'll always be with you, Honey cake

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2 chapters in one day, huh? Well, here goes nothing

It was another beautiful morning in Vanivile Town. Our boy, Ash Ketchum, was slowly waking up from his sleep. He still daydreamed about the kiss he was given last night. His best friend, Serena, kissed him for the first time in the lips. He felt like he need to thank Calem for this. Without him, the "moment" couldn't happen. But before Ash could stretch his arms, he felt like something had held him. He looked around and found two ropes tied his arms to the bed posts. He bit his tongue to make sure it wasn't a dream about something related to lemon, and as soon as he felt the pain, he knew this was reality

"Someone help me, please?! May, anyone?!" Ash gasped
"Oh hey sleepy head, finally awake?" A familiar female voice called out behind him. He soon realized it was Serena, his best friend, no, his girlfriend
"Serena, how could you get in here?" Ash asked in panic
"Well, I wnt to your house and saw the door was locked, so I decided to break in the windows, because I can, that's why." Serena answered. It looked like Serena had back to herself. After all, that was a simple thing to a gangster, right?
"So you tied me in my own bed?" Ash asked
"Yeah, this is how I make love. You know, gangster way" - Serena smiled and leaned to Ash's face - "Beside, it's still early, we can do "it" now" Serena then gave Ash a morning kiss. The kiss was so strong that made Ash suffocated. Little did she know, May was watching the whole time. May usually wake up early to prepare breakfast, and she saw the scene she shouldn't had

"Uh, Serena? What were you doing to my brother?" May asked "innocently"
"Uh-eh, w-well, n-nothing, just o-our little, uh, friendly gesture. Yeah" Serena nervously answered while blushing, as Ash was still panting for air
"Uh, ok" May blushed a bit and ran down the stairs. Serena untied Ash and hugged him.
"Oh Ash. I'm glad you're back" Serena said
"Me too, Serena" Ash said, but then Serena's smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" Ash asked
"Well, I think I just dragged you into trouble, again." - Serena then sobbed - "I've confessed my love to you, but if Calem know this, he will track you down and beat you up till dead. Your little sister can be involved, too, and it all because of me. I regretted this." Serena cried, before Ash hugged her, burried her face to his chest
"Don't you worry, Serena. I love you with all my heart. I don't care about Calem. Beside, without him, you and I couldn't be together like this." Ash said made Serena confused. "What do you mean "without Calem"?" Serena asked
"Well, he actually the one who beat me up. I was suffered from mental pains, since all I cared was protect my sister. I was forced to break up with you. But now, thanks to you, I've got back to my own self again" - Ash wiped Serena's tears and leaned in her face - "now, can I have another morning kiss?"
"Sure Ashy boo. But please, brush your teeth, your mouth stinks" Serena giggled and Ash laughed nervously. He rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth
"By the way, is that my new nickname?" Ash asked while brushing his teeth
"Yes, I think it kind of cute"
"Well, is that so, I'm gonna find you a nickname too, Serena"
"What?! HAHA! Yeah, good luck, you'll find none" Serena laughed then walk downstairs

After they had breakfast, Ash and Serena decided to go downtown.
"Ash, I know you will have some fun today.... uh, Ash?" Serena noticed Ash was thinking about something
"Uh, Ashy boo? Earth to Ash?" Serena waved her hand in front of Ash's face, he finally snapped out of the thought
"You're not trying to find me a nickname, are you?" Serena asked
"Actually, yeah. I was thinking about it"
"Oh, just accept the truth. "Serena" is a hard name to think"
Ash knew it, but it didn't mean Serena can't have a nickname. He then think of her last name, "Yvonne"
"What about Yvonne? I can call her Yvonnie or Yvonnette. No, that's stupid. Now that's a hard name" Ash thought to himself
"Ash, snap out of it, baka!" Serena flicked Ash's head
"Hey, take it easy." Ash told Serena "so what will we do now? Buying some weapons?" Ash asked sarcastically, only to get pinched by Serena
"Hey, I can be girly too, you know! Beside, we just wondering around, we're not going to do anything, well, at least until now" Serena said

Serena and Ash walked past a bakery, when a smell attracted both of them. As they were a bit hungry, Ash and Serena decided to go in and buy one. It was the smell from a honey cake. Ash bought Serena and him two slices of honey cake. Then a lightbulb suddenly appeared on Ash's head and turned on.
"Stupid lightbulb" Ash crushed the lightbulb on his head, but he got something in mind
"Let's see. Serena has honey blond hair, and I think she sweet. Honey cake also has the color of honey and sweet. Oh wait, can it be..." Ash then smiled suspiciously, made Serena confused

"Ash, what's wrong, you look weird" Serena pointed at Ash's face. Ash decided it's time to let her know her new nickname, although this could be a risk
"You said something, Honey cake" Ash asked
"Wait, did you call m-me..." Serena was blushing bright red
"Hey, what's wrong, Honey cake? I think you're messed up" Ash asked back.
Serena was blushing from the nickname he gave, "Honey cake". It kind of sounds girly and more perverted. But it was given from her boyfriend. Serena then slowly stood up and walked in front of Ash
"Ash, how dare you call me that? You know what, time for punishment." Serena smiled evilly at Ash, made he felt uncomfortable for what was going to happen. But the punishment wasn't as bad as he's thought. Serena embraced him into a bear hug and hugged him tightly, enough to suffocate him. Serena than pulled out the hug and jumped on his arms.
"Thanks for the nickname, Ash, I love it" Serena said in happiness
"No prob. But please, jump off. You're so heavy" What Ash just said made her angry again
"You know what, here comes another punishment for you" - Serena looked at Ash - "kiss me"
"Yes ma'am" As Ash finished his line, he leaned in and kissed Serena passionately.

"Ashy boo, promise you won't leave me" Serena asked with her puppy eyes stunted Ash, as they were walking home
"I won't, I'll always be right there for you, Honey cake"
"Oh Ashy boo" Serena kissed Ash again and ran to her house, waving goodbye. Ash also waved to Serena and went to his house, ending the whole day of finding nickname, and ending the night with nickname for both the lovebirds.

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