The answer

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Hey, hey! Calm down! This is library!

Ok, put all of your guns and daggers down. I know you guys are angry when Ash suddenly became an ashhole. But I'll tell you this, that's all a part of the storyline. I need Ash to be like this so "the moment" can happen. You all read this for that, and you'll get it in this chapter. So sit tight and keep cool

Oh yeah, don't you dare trying to break in, the fourth wall is already broken and I don't want anything worse happen.


"Ash, how could you be like this, did Calem do anything to you?" Serena asked in fear
"Oh, Serena, you really such a stupid idiot. I was only using you" Ash smiled evilly
"What?! I thought you-"
"Beside, I'm officially collaborate with Calem Xander. We will end this world. But first, I should end YOU!" Ash then grabbed a knife and was going to stab Serena
"NO ASH! NO!" Serena cried in fear

"Serena, wake up! Wake up!" Alain shook Serena, as she was crying. Serena woke up from her nightmare and hugged Alain
"Serena, what's wrong?" Alain asked worriedly.
"Alain, I don't know what to do. Something must have happened to Ash. He never look like this" Serena sobbed in Alain's chest
"That little brat...!" Alain mubbled, clenched his hand to a fist
"No Alain. Ash is not a bad guy. Please don't harm him" Serena begged
"Okay, I won't. Just call me if you need anything" Alain walked out Serena's room

It's been 3 days since Serena last talked to Ash. Ash decided to break up his friendship with Serena, but Serena knew it because of something, and by something she meant Calem. She saw every Calem's expression when he saw Ash. She knew Calem must have said something to Ash, or even do something to him
"Before Ash broke up May said he was suffered from a beat up. Wait a minute, it can't be..." Serena thought in her mind. She believed Calem had beaten up Ash, and it affected Ash's mental. She tried to calm down and think of a solution. She knew she had to this, for Ash, for the one she love. Yes, ever since Ash became her best friend, well, used to be, Serena had a crush on Ash. She cut her hair and changed her appearance for Ash, and now she had to save him from the misery

Serena called Ash so many times, but he didn't answer. She decided to send him a message. Back to Ash's house, he was lying on the bed, worried about everything. He knew he had to break up with Serena to protect his sister, May. But this hurted his feeling. He never wanted to, he was forced to. Suddenly, his phone created a sound, let him know about the notification. It was Serena's message. "If you want to talk and express something, meet me at Vanivile Park, nobody knows about this. Well, if you still cared about me.", that's all. Ash then changed his clothes and walked out the door. He still cared about Serena. He waved goodbye to May but fake smiled.

At Vanivile Park, Ash was waiting at a bench in the park, when a figure walked up to him. It was Serena
"What do you want now?" Ash asked coldly
"Can you just stop that? I know what happened to you" Serena said, but Ash didn't look at her face
"Look, Ash. If you have something to say, just let it out. I won't judge you" Serena put her hand on Ash's shoulder, but he didn't look up
"Ash, look, you broke up with me, but still, I'm your best friend. Just share it" Serena said
"Haven't I already said everything, why didn't you accept the truth?" Ash mubbled, but enough for Serena to hear
"I know that's not what you mean. Ash, I know you. This is not the Ash I know. So if you have any pain inside, just speak it out"
"Can you just BACK OFF, YOU SCUMBAG?!" Ash pushed Serena to the ground, made her cried. Serena wasn't her own self anymore. She felt weak and suffering when Ash said something like that to her. But she tried to stand up with all her will and walked to Ash
"You know what, Ash?! Since you don't want to talk, I will!" - Serena spoke out while crying - "Ash, I know you're shy and weak from the outside, but I know deep inside you is a generous and warmed soul. That soul must have been hurted and suffered. You have to let that soul out, replace the darkness inside you. I'm your best friend, I'll help you. Please, go back to yourself, Ash"
"You understand NOTHING!" - Ash shouted - "Yeah, I was suffered from pain, so what? I've seen so many people said things like "I'm your best friend" or "I'll help you", but what did they do? NOTHING! They let me suffered, they ignored me. This world is full of liars. So Serena, just answer this for me, the truth! Do you care about me, or I just your puppet?!"

Serena was stunted for a moment. "Ok, fine! You want the answer? Well here's mine"

Serena raised her hand, as Ash was fully prepared for the slap. But her hand cupped his cheek, then she leaned in and kissed Ash on the lips! She kissed him passionately, as Ash's eyes was widen. She wanted to show him how much she cared about him. Serena then pulled out from the kiss, she was blushing red
"There! That's my answer, you happy now?" Serena shouted in Ash's face and she walked away. Suddenly, a familiar arm wrapped around her waist. She looked around and found out it was Ash, but not his depressing self, it was the old Ash. Ash had snapped out from depression and pain after the kiss
"Serena, I didn't know. I'm sorry" Serena felt a water drop on her back. She knew Ash was sobbing. Serena hugged Ash back
"Oh, Ash, just promise me don't be like this anymore, I love you, you know that?"
"Serena, I love you, too" then the two leaned in and kissed one more time, but longer. The moonlight was shining in this romantic scene, while the readers was screaming in happiness, and the author was trying to stop them from breaking in the broken fourth wall.

They went home together, as usual. Serena's head leaned on Ash's shoulder. They were walking to Ash's house.
"Well, I'm home now, bye Serena, thanks for today" Ash smiled again after a long time
"Wait, before you go" - Serena ended her sentence by kissing Ash one more time - "so what happened to you?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow. Goodbye Serena" Ash waved goodbye to Serena and ran to his house. Both of them had backed to their own self. They knew they will protect each other from now on. The moonlight at Vanivile Park had bonded their friendship once again, but this time, their love.

"Big bro, where were you? It's been too long" May asked Ash
"Oh, sorry for keeping you waiting, May" Ash smiled back to May and went to his room. May couldn't express her happiness more. She smiled as Ash had returned to his own again. "But what had he done to recover?" May thought curiously.

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