A day at Serena's place

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(WARNING: This chapter contains segments that could make you cringe and say farewell your childhood. If you're scared, leave now!)
You haven't? Well, enjoy, I guess

It was at Ash's house. A phone call from his phone got his attention. Ash realized it was Serena's
"Hey Serena, what's up?"
"Oh, just wondering what you're doing now" Serena answered
"Just watching Sword Art Online, you know, the film about everyone was trapped in a game, which if they die there, they'll die in real-life, for no reason"
"Oh, so you had seen Kirito and Asuna"
"Yeah, what a lovely couple"
"Just like us-"
"You said something, Serena?" Ash asked as Serena was blushing bright red from what she just said
"N-Nothing. Hey, can you come to my place, I'm so bored"
"Sure, Wynaut?"
"Yeah, it was the pun I learned from professor Oak's rip off in Sun and moon"
"That pun is terrible, you know"
"Yeah, I think so, too" - Ash smiled - "anyway, I'll be in your place, soon"

Ash quickly dressed himself, then he walked out the house. May was spending time with her friend today, so Ash locked the door and ran to Serena's place as he told himself... just guess it

Ash arrived at Serena's house. He rang the bell and saw a tall man with scarf wrapped around his neck. He looked quite serious made Ash shivered a bit
"Hello. Is Serena home?" Ash asked. The man thought that this was some boy trying to flirt Serena
"No! Back off!" The man shouted to Ash's face, but luckily Serena saved him
"Alain! That's my friend. Just let him in" Serena shouted from upstair
"Oh, sorry, young man" Alain greeted him with a smile, but still creeped Ash out
"So you're Alain? I'm Ash Ketchum, Serena's best friend"
Alain greeted him, but kind of hesitated. He felt that Ash must be related to someone he knew. Serena then walk downstairs, and the scene Ash saw made him jaw drop. Serena was wearing a pink dress with a cerulean blue ribbon. Her hair was shorter, as well (she's the short-haired Serena version). Ash then remembered what he said about his ideal girlfriend to Serena, which made him blushed

"So Ash, how does I look?" Serena spinned around in front of Ash
"You a-are, you l-look..." Ash still stunted because of Serena's new appearance, made she giggled. In Ash's mind, Serena was still a strong and hardcore girl. He never expected to see such a girly side of Serena. She matched perfectly to what he described
"So you little twerp are the reason she changed huh?" - Alain asked with a scary tone - "Well, lucky for you, I like it"
Ash sighed in relief, then Serena called Ash to go upstairs, but before that, Alain grabbed Ash's collar, then said coldly
"Listen. I don't know who you are, or what have you done. But you better behave and cherish my sister, Serena. Because if you don't, I'll look for you, I'll hunt you down. I'll beat you up like beating a teddy bear. I'll squeeze your "Squirtle" so hard that you couldn't even become a father in the future. You got that, you twat?!"
Ash nodded in fear, then he ran upstairs as fast as he can

Serena leaded Ash to her room, and he can't believe what he saw. Serena had a pink small bed, or more like a mattress. She also played with stuffed animal, with different Pokemon like Pikachu and Fennekin lying around. Ash was stunted. The most badass girl in school, was actually a girly student at home

"Wow, Serena, I didn't know..."
"What? You think I keep guns and daggers in my room because of my personality, you really is a baka" Serena giggled
"So why did you ask me to come here?" Ash asked curiously
"Do I need any reason for that?" - Serena said then flipped her hair - "So what do you think of my new hairstyle?"

Ash was totally messed up with this question. He had never judge any girl's appearance or clothing. Well he did it to May, but May was his sister, there's no way she can scold at him. He messed up between "you look great" or "you look ok" so he ended up speaking out a sentence that almost give him bad time
"Y-You look.... gay" Ash answered made Serena just grabbed his neck and choked him
"You said something, little pal?" Serena angrily asked
"I-I'm sorry, you look... cute" Ash answered made Serena let go of him and blushed. "Did he just tell me I was cute?" Serena thought and blushed bright read. Her face even steamed out because of heat like Thomas the engine

"W-Well, thanks for the compliment" Serena looked away to hide her blush
"You okay, Serena?" Ash worriedly asked
"I'm ok. It just... it feels great when someone actually saw my other personality. You saw it too, didn't you"
"Yeah, I know my Serena is not a heartbreaking monster" Serena blushed from what Ash said. "My Serena". Sounded like Ash wanted to keep Serena after all
"M-my Serena? Ash, we're not even..."
"What do you mean? There are millions of Serena in the world. I want to know who's the real Serena I cared the most, well, beside my sister"
"Awww, thanks Ash" Serena sighed in both relief and disappointment. Ash cared for her, that's good, but he's still dense to realzed what did he just said.
"You know Ash, there's... something I need you to help..." Serena crawled on top of Ash, and handed him something long and soft on top...

(Alright, last chance, escape now!)
Really? You're still here, well, you've been warned

Alain was walking across Serena's bedroom, when he suddenly heard a weird segment
"Ash, it's my first time. Please, be gentle"
"I will, Serena, just tell me if it hurts, ok"
"Oh Ash, it's going in. Oh, it's so good"
"Serena, you're ok?"
"Mmmm, yes Ash, I'm so happy, go deeper please"
"Alright, here I go"
"Ohhh, it's so good. It's deep inside"
"Serena, I'm gonna do this, just take it easy, ok?"
"Yes Ash... Ahhh yes, faster, faster. Just do it. YES! So good!"
"Alright, I'm gonna pull it out now"
"No, I want it to go deeper, oh YES! That's the spot, Ash, clean it!"
Alain started to imagine what they were doing. Without hesitation, he burst inside the door to save Serena and realized Ash was....  cleaning Serena's ear-hole

"Uh, what the heck?" An awkward silence between them lasted in 2 minutes
"I thought you two were..." Alain stunted, then he hurriedly walked out the room
"Why is he acting like that?" Ash asked
"Maybe it's because of me" Serena giggled
"You're so overreacting, Serena" Ash smiled
"Whatever, now keep cleaning it" Serena ordered
"Yes ma'am. By the way, how long haven't you clean it?"
"Is 10 years a normal number?" Serena nervously asked, made Ash fell Anime style

In the afternoon, Ash came out of Serena's house
"You know. I had fun. Bye Serena" Ash said goodbye to Serena
"Bye Ash, see you at school" Serena replied by kissing Ash on the cheek, then waved goodbye to him.
Ash started walking home, as he noticed Alain was staring at him with an I'm-watching-you look. Ash was frightened, but he knew it can't compare to how much fun he had at Serena's house. What he didn't know was a mysterious figure was watching him the whole time, while clenching its hand to a fist

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