That's why I don't make friend

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The school bell rang, as every students got back to the class. After the save from Serena, Ash was much more confident so in the next class, History, he talked with her with longer time. Of course Mr. Birch, the History teacher, noticed this. So he called Ash in a sudden
"Mr. Ketchum, can you tell me when did the World War II start and end?"
Serena obviously was stunted when he called Ash. She knew that with his personality, he could get in trouble immediately. She soon prepared for the worst
"Sir, World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945". What she expected was wrong. Ash confidently answer the question, made she sighed in relief
"Good answer, Mr Ketchum. Miss Yvonne, tell me at least three countries were involved in the World War?" This time the teacher asked Serena, which made her shivering. History was a big problem to Serena. She couldn't even past D.
"They were Germany, France and Poland." Ash whispered to Serena and she replied the same to Mr Birch
"Good answer" - Mr Birch responsed and turn back to the board - "Keep up the good work Mr Ketchum". He said made Serena stunted for couple of seconds, but she calmed down and ask Ash in surprise
"How the heck do you good at History, that subject is a hell"
"For your information, I usually get like A and A+ in History, so I guess you got a teacher by your side huh?" Ash joked made Serena giggling a bit, she didn't want to make too much noise or she would get in trouble again.

Time past to the afternoon, the school ended. Serena decided to walk home with Ash. She thought there was a bond between them. However, on her way home, Serena met someone she didn't want to
"Hey babe, let me walk home with you" a 16-year-old, wearing a cap and hoodies talked to Serena with a flirty tone
"I told you Calem, first, I'm not your girlfriend, second, I'm not gonna fall for all the trick you make, so back off!" Serena angrily answered, then held Ash's hand tighter and walk with him
"Hey, is that the loser who got beat up in lunch time?" Calem asked, pointing his finger to Ash
"Yeah, so what? That loser is much better than you, you jerk!" Serena answered, then she suddenly made a weird face and turned to Ash: "Sorry Ash, I have to go and solve my "personal business" first. Wait here. Gotta go fast" she quickly ran to the restroom, which made Ash giggling because of that expression. However, little did she know, she just messed up, big time

After a couple of minutes, Serena stepped out of the restroom and witnessed a thing she didn't want to. She saw Ash in bruises and some of them had blood.
"ASH!" She yelled while running toward Ash. When she was in front of him, she gently lifted his face and saw a big red handprint on the left cheek.
"Serena, I-" Ash got cut off by Serena, who then wrapping bandage all of the bruises and carried him home.

Ash's home was a mid-sized house with two floors. Serena rang the doorbell, this time Ash had kind of recovered a bit.
"Big bro, you're home!" Ash's younger sister, May, opened the door joyfully. "Eh, and who's this?" May pointed to Serena curiously
"Oh, she just a friend I made this afternoon." Ash responded happily, trying to forget the pain
"Finally, you bring an actual girl to home, not another Waifu pillow." May joked while Ash was blushing madly, Serena that laughed, like she had never laughed before.
"WHAT?! WAIFU PILLOW?!" Serena trying to stop laughing while asking
"DAMN IT, THERE'S NO WAIFU PILLOW" Ash answered while blushing like a tomato
"You such a bad liar. I saw you actually hugging them last night!" May responded made Ash shrinked
"Whatever! Come on Serena." Ash then grabbed her arm and lead her to his bedroom. "Hey wait for me!" Serena shouted, but still laughing.

Ash's room isn't too special. It had a small bed, with a desk and chair in the left side of the room, and a closet in the right side. Suddenly, Ash collapsed to the ground, covered his stomach in pain. "ASH!" Serena said in worry, put Ash to his bed and checked the injury
"Sorry Ash, this is all because of me" Serena started shed a tear. Ash noticed it and wiped it away
"What do you mean, and why is that?" Ash asked
"It's the whole Calem thing. It's very dangerous" Serena answered, sadly. "Look I think you need to know this" - Serena then turned her face to Ash and explained - "I'm not actually a quiet or not open-minded person. I used to be a friendly and generous girl. But then one time. Calem moved to this school. I discovered that he's the leader of the most dangerous gang of Kalos, the Xander Clan. He has a crush on me and "promised" me that he will KILL anyone I met that is a boy. One time a boy flirted with me, which Calem accidentally noticed, and the next day he disappeared mysteriously. You see, I'm not that kind of person. I separated myself from my friends because I care about them. I care about their safety and live." Serena said while sobbing
"So why did you agree to make friend with me?" Ash asked while comforting Serena
"Because you're special. This school is full of jerks and douches. But you're different. I feel that you're a friendly and generous person, although you're weak and shy. I know meeting you was an opportunity. So I decided to be a good friend of you. But soon you will be murdered by Calem, and it all because of me!" Serena sobbing, but then feel a sudden hug from Ash, made she cried to his chest.
"I don't care about that Calem guy. I know it's a risk, but I know somehow we can stop him" - Ash answered while rubbing Serena's back to comfort her - "Plus, I'm glad to be a friend with the most badass girl in school" Ash's answer made Serena happy, but also blushing. Ash pulled back and saw the blush on her face

"Uh, Serena, you have a fever?" This question made Serena and the author facepalmed because of the undenial fact that Ash is dense af
"Come on Serena, cheer up, where's that hardcore and strong girl I know?" Ash cheered her up, bringing her back to herself. Serena then turned her head and saw the closet.
"Is that where you put all of the Waifu pillows" Serena joked made Ash blushing madly again
"Arceus damn it! I tell you one more time. THERE'S. NO. WAIFU. PILLOW" Ash blushed
"Is that so~" Serena asked sarcastically. She enjoyed her time with Ash. She guessed she had finally had a friend she want, and could be, her boyfriend.

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