Never give up till it's over

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"Hehehe, Gary Oak, it's been a long time, huh?" Calem turned around
"Brother Xander, I knew you'd come" Gary Oak, Serena's best friend, arrived
"What are you doing here, I thought you're rotten to dead?!" Calem asked
"Just for my best friend" - Gary answered while peeked at Serena, who was lying painfully on the ground - "Oh yeah, for the boy you were going to stab as well"
"You mean this pathetic loser" Calem showed Ash, who was almost unconscious
"Hey, my Ashy-boy is not a freakin loser, like you!" Gary shouted to Calem
"Oh, you have guts. Well come on, fight me" Calem threw Ash next to Serena
"It's on, Calem!" Gary charged to Calem without hesitation

Calem used the knife to stab Gary's head or heart, but Gary was too quickly for him. Gary then kicked at Calem's ankle and made him fall
"Huh, you have skill? That's so unlike the boy who thought Xander Clan was a charity foundation" Calem joked
"Haha, that's funny." Gary smiled at Calem, and quickly threw a punch to his face, but Calem managed to dodge it. He used his knife to end Gary, but just left a scratch on Gary's arm, as he yelled in pain
"You pathetic human. You know what? I shall end you first, then for those lovey dovey couple over there" Calem pointed at Ash and Serena, and about to stab Gary. However, he stopped
"But since I'm a generous guy, I'll let all of you live another day. But someday, we'll meet again" He then ran to the bushes and disappeared

"Gary, you're alright?" May shouted as she was running toward Gary, alongside with Alain
"Yeah, you take Ashy boy and Serena inside. I'll be fine" Gary tried to stand up, but ended up collapsing
"You can't walk now, Gary. Let me carry you" Alain then picked up Gary and ran to their house (well since Ash and Serena officially live together, so I could say "their")
"Thanks, you fashion freak" Gary mumbled
"If you didn't save my sister, I'd kill you now" Alain must be triggered from what Gary said

Two hours later, as May was taking care of Gary's scratch, Serena woke up
"Wait, where am I? Where's Ash?" Serena asked worriedly
"Oh, he's upstairs. He's recovering, but he's still unconscious." May said
"Yeah, he must have taken that much pain, to protect you, Serena" Alain said
"I know I saved you guys, but without Ashy boy, the situation could have got worse" Gary smiled at Serena, but they noticed Serena was thinking about something else.
"I need to see Ash right now!" Serena immediately ran upstairs, without May or Alain stopped her

As soon as Serena entered Ash's room, she found out that Ash was wrapped in bandages, but blood was visible from them.
"Ash, wake up, it's your girlfriend, Serena here" Serena whispered to Ash's ear, but he was still unconscious
"Please Ash, I beg you. You can't be like this" - Serena said as a tear was shedded from her eye
"Baka baka baka baka BAKA!" Serena shouted when she was smashing her fist to the wall
"I'm sorry, Ash. I'm so sorry. I let a boy like you protected me. I just stood there and doing nothing. I wish I had more determination, but I didn't. You know, Ash? You're not weak, I am. I'm not strong enough to protect you, protect my love. I called myself a strong and badass girl of Vanivile High, but I didn't know the real strong and badass one is you. I thought you were a shy and a weakling, but you're more than that. But know, regretting is too late, as I let you be like this. So please Ash, forgive me" Serena cried on Ash's chest
"Ash, I'm leaving the room. Just be strong, ok?" Serena then kissed Ash on the lips and about to leave the room

"Serena, is that you?" Serena turned around and found Ash trying to sit up. She immediately embraced him for a hug, which was a bit too tight, as usual
"H-Hey Serena, I can't... breathe..." Ash said while being suffocated
"Oh, sorry, sorry." Serena pulled back from the hug and just blushed because of embarrassment
"No, you don't need to. I was pretending from the start" Ash smiled
"Oh, so you were prete- WHAT?! PRETENDING?!" Serena asked angrily
"Yeah, I actually awoke an hour ago. So I asked Gary, May and your brother to think of a way to make a little romantic scene. And you know what? It actually worked!" Ash laughed
"I should have known it was Gary" Serena groaned
"Yeah, but I did save your life from that Calem, so I guess I do deserve something, right?"
"Deserve this!" - Serena then punched Ash right at his jaw - "That's for tricking me, tricking your GIRLFRIEND"
Ash bowed his head in regret, but suddenly got a kiss on the cheek
"And that's for being my hero." Serena said happily, but turned her smile into a frown

"What's wrong?" Ash asked
"Just nothing, it just... I was thinking about Calem. Who knew when would he come and attack us? I also worried about that Xander Clan. They are a famous evil clan, so who knew what would them do to us. I mean, now I, you and Gary has become their number one target, and this could affect my brother and my sister as well. What should I do?" Serena burried her face in her pillow and crying.
"Serena, you know it hurts me when you cry" - Ash said while wiping her tears - "Beside, you are supposed to be a strong girl in this book, Serena. The readers need you. You need to become gangster Serena again. You are so depressing because of me, but you need to stand back up!"
"I know you're right, but-" Serena got cut off
"Listen, Serena, there's something I need to tell you. Don't give up till it's over" Ash put his hands on Serena's shoulder
Thanks, Ash" Serena said then hugged Ash again, and Ash hugged back
"Serena, I love you, Honey cake" Ash said
"What?! You still using that?" Serena asked
"Yeah. But if you don't want to be called that, then I guess-"
"I love that nickname. I love you too, Ashy boo" Serena and Ash leaned in and they kissed. The kiss that will push away the pain and replace with happiness.

As soon as Serena and Ash finished making out, they realized that all their friends: May, Gary and Alain had seen all of it
"Uh, when did you guys stand in there?" Serena asked while blushing
"Well, when you confessed your love to Unconscious Ash" May smiled
"My Ashy boy is growing so fast" - Gary said with fake tears - "It was couple of weeks ago I was teaching you about being optimistic!"
"You're not teaching him, you made him dirty-minded!" Serena shouted
"But you like it, right Ashy boy?" Serena then turned her head and found Ash still thinking about it
"ASH KETCHUM! SNAP OUT OF IT" Serena then slapped Ash's face, which made everyone else watched in horror
"Uh, you know what, Ash, you're on your own, bye." Gary quickly ran downstairs, leading anyone else to go with him

"Wow, now that's a gangster Serena I want to see."
"Oh you..." Serena playfully punched his stomach, and both of them made out again. Once again, thanks to Calem, their love was bonded tighter, under the faithful moonlight

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