The Red head Girl (Sequel's chapter 4)

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"Where am I?" Serena asked herself while she woke up in the middle of darkness. Suddenly, she saw someone in dark cloth approached

"Serena, is that you, dear?" The female adult asked in the dark

"Who... who are you?" Serena asked

"I'm your mom, Grace Yvonne. Don't you remember me?"

"M-Mom?" Serena was surprised

"Yes. I'm here to take you home. Come with me" The figure named Grace offered her hand

"N-No, what about my engaged boyfriend, Ash?"

"You mean this boy?" The figure then changed into Ash. This time, "Ash" slowly walked to Serena. She saw "Ash's" eyes was glowing in blue

"A-Ash, what happened to your eyes?" Serena asked

"Serena, I don't know you. Get out of my life!" Ash shouted

"W-What? I-I don't understand"

"You are a useless girl. Get out!" Then "Ash" took out his engagement ring and threw it to the ground

"Ash, y-you need to snap out! This isn't you!" Serena yelled with watery eyes

"Oh my stupid girl, this IS ME!" "Ash's" hand then appeared a knife. He ran to her with Sanic speed and was about to stab her

"No, Ash! Stop! AHHH!"

"Serena, wake up!" She felt someone was shaking her. She opened her eyes and relieved that it was just a dream. She turned around and saw Ash, who was looking at her with worried look. She suddenly shoved him

"Get away from me, you freak!" Serena shouted at him while using her force to beat him up

"H-Hey, calm down! It just me, Ash!" Ash grabbed her hand, hoping she could calm down. Serena soon snapped out and realized what had she done.

"S-Sorry, Ash. It just... I was having a nightmare" Serena covered her face and cried. She bowed her head and turned away. She was too shame to look at Ash. Ash then turned her around and hugged her, burried her face to his chest, letting her sobbed in his chest

"There, there... Calm down, it just a nightmare" Ash rubbed her back

"Thanks, Ashy" - Serena sniffed - "I was dreaming about you leaving me and about to kill me." Ash was shocked because of that

"Oh, Serena. There's no way I'll do anything like that" - Ash comforted her - "How about a little morning kiss?"

Yes, Ash" Serena smiled to him and leaned closer. Both of them shared a kiss. Then Serena pulled her off

"Ash, your mouth is so stinky. Go brush your teeth!" She said while coughing

"Must be those leftovers last night" Ash joked and went to the bathroom. Serena was sitting on the bed, thinking about her dream

"So that woman's name was Grace Yvonne, my mom? I didn't know she can shapeshift" Serena thought. She then scratched her head in confuse.

"Serena, I'm done. It's your turn!" Ash shouted inside. She stood up and walked in to do her morning routine

They both went downstairs, while Gary was staring at them in surprise

"Wow, did you two do "that" last night?" Gary asked

"D-Do what?" Serena asked while blushin

"Your hair is a bit messy. It must be one crazy bedtime night, isn't it?" Gary smirked

"S-shut up! We're not ready!" Serena blushed

"You know, you can ask me to join in if you want" Gary smirked but received a bowl to the face from May

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