Paralyzed Ash

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Another Sunday morning in Vanivile Town. Our girl, Serena, had woken up first. She looked around and saw her boyfriend, Ash Ketchum, still slept peacefully next to her, well, sorta. She looked down his boxers and giggled. She still remembered the punch she gave him right at his "pokeballs". Serena soon snapped out and shook him to wake him up

"Uh, May, not now, five more minutes, please" Ash mumbled in his sleep, this made Serena to put a joke on him

"No, Big Bro, you need to wake up now or you'll be late." Serena tried to voiced May. Ash peeked one eye and saw Serena. He soon thought of something to revenge what she did to him last night

"Ugh, May, you look gorgeous today" Ash played along wih the joke

"Wait, what?" Serena blushed

"Arceus must be blind when he created you. All I want now is you" Ash smiled, while Serena blushing

"Come here my little Mayo" Ash grabbed Serena hands and pulled her on top of him, while closing his eyes pretending he was dreaming

"Wait, Big Bro, what are you doing?" Serena tried to play along the joke, but she was blushing madly

"Wow, you smell like strawberry, you know that, May?" Ash mumbled

"Big B-Bro, s-stop teasing m-me" Serena blushed

"May, how about you give your brother a morning kiss" Ash whispered

"S-Stop it A-Ash" Serena's face was totally heated up

"Oh come on, we always do this every morning" Ash grabbed her waist and made her lying on top of him.  He then smacked her butts and sniffed her neck (is this start to get cringy?)

"Make it stop, Ash, Megan Fox" Serena blushed heavily

"You know, you look sexy every single morning, I want to kiss you right away." Ash finished his sentences as he pressed Serena's head down, her lips smashed with his. Serena was screaming and crying, but no one can barely hear that

"Ash, how could you..." Serena cried, but then tackled by a hug from Ash

"Got you" Ash whispered to her ears, then laughed

"How dare you..." Serena became angry for what Ash did

"That's what you get for punching my "pokeballs", Serena" Ash let out a grin

"Well, you were talking about my butt the whole night" Serena pouted

"But you like what I did to you, don't ya? I learned it from you-know-who" Ash smirked

"W-whatever, just get in the bathroom, anyway, I'll wait" Serena still mad at him. Ash got out the bed and walked to the bathroom. However, he suddenly collapsed to the ground and shivering in pain

"ASH!" Serena yelled then ran to him. She could saw Ash poured out his tears in pain

"Ash, what's wrong? Can I help?" Serena asked, then Ash nodded his head. She walked Ash to the bathroom, then helped him brush his teeth and walked him back to the bed

"Ash, tell me, where's it hurt?" Serena asked worriedly, then felt guilty when Ash weakly pointed his "pokeballs"

"That punch was pretty powerful, huh" Serena said

"Yeah, it was" - Ash said - "Anyway, let's go downstairs to have some breakfast"

"Wait, I'll help you" Serena then walked Ash to the dinner table

"Uh, Serena, what happened to Ash?" Alain pointed at Ash, who was faking her smile

"Well, we were staying up late to watching stars last night. However, Ash kept mentioning my butts, so I couldn't control my action and punched Ash right at his "pokeballs". The effect from the punch was so strong that he was paralyzed this morning" Serena said worriedly

"Uh, brother G, what does "pokeballs" mean?" May asked Gary

"You'll understand when you're older" - Gary said - "By the way, Serena, they said if you kiss on your boyfriend or girlfriend's injured or hurted spot, it will be cured immediately. So I guess with this situation like this you should kiss Ash's-"

"ENOUGH! THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN LAUGH ABOUT!" Serena then covered her face and cried. She felt guilty for this

"Don't cry, Serena, I hate it when you cry" Ash tried to comfort Serena but just made her cried more

"Ok, let's just have breakfast. May, you come with me to the drug store for Ash's medicine. Gary, stay home and protect Ash and Serena." Alain said, received a nod from the family.

They finished their breakfast, Serena walked Ash to his bed, while Gary sat downstairs staring at some Harambe meme, waiting for Alain and May to get home. Back to Ash and Serena, Serena laid Ash on the bed. Seeing him shaking in pain just let her cried more, which Ash noticed

"Hey Sere, don't cry, be strong" Ash rubbed her back, but she back off from him

"I'm sorry, Ash. I didn't control my action. I'm such a fool. You're in pain and it all because of me" Serena sobbed. Then she felt someone grabbed her hand and pulled. It was Ash, he pulled her to the same position that morning

"I'm not blame you for that. It's all my fault, remember? Beside, if I suffer with a pain more painful than this one, I will be happy to encounter it, as long as I have you by my side" Ash said

"Thanks for forging me, Ashy. But I still feel kind of guilty when I see you like this" Serena bowed her head and sobbed a bit. Suddenly, her head was pressed down gently by Ash. He pressed down her head and kissed her, but this time, she didn't scream. She was shedding tears of joy.

"There. Better?" Ash smiled at Serena while wiping her tears.

"Yes Ashy, better." Serena smiled at Ash. Ash then hugged Serena in that position and she hugged back. They both stayed like that for a long time

Alain and May finally got to home, but this time, they were... blushing
"Hey, did you two just get a room or something?" Gary saw the blushes

"J-Just shut up. Bring these to Ash" Alain handed the bag contained the medicine to Gary. When Gary was away, Alain nervously looked back to May

"So, May, I-I just-" Alain got cut off

"We'll talk about it later, Ali" May blushed

Back to Gary, when he reached Ash's room, he found Ash and Serena was hugging. He decided not to interrupt, so he just put the bag on the table and knocked the door before he left
"Look, Ash, that's your medicine" Serena noticed the bag and brought it to Ash

"I don't think I'm gonna need it, Serena, you're already my cure" Ash smiled

"Oh Ashy" - Serena then kissed Ash one more time - "But seriously, you need to take these" Serena then helped Ash take the medicine. But it looked like Ash didn't really need them anymore, as long as Serena was by his side

Ok, before I end this chapter, I have something to say. We reached 1k reads! Yes, it still a big number to me, so I decided to do something special for this. So stay tune, peace ✌️

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