6) Out

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"Griff!" I call out again, running around the house. "Where are you baby?!"

"I'm here." she steps out of the hall where the bathroom is, and smiles at me innocently. "Why so scared?" she asks, as I throw my arms around her little waist. "I heard something bad." I huff.

"What do you mean? What happened with you and Max? What did you hear?" she asks.

"I'll tell you." I pick her up bridal style, and she giggles, as I carry her back to my room, sitting her on my lap on the bed. "Uhh, with me and Max, we said we'd learn to get along, and 'share',"

"Yay!" she giggles, resting her head in the crook of my neck. "So what did you hear?"

"Uhh, Lord Limbo wants...wants..." I hesitate, and she gasps just at the name. "He wants you..."

"How do you know that?!" she asks frantically. "From a few of my friends..."

"Your poker friends? The shady ones? That's how they know! They snuck in didn't they?!" she asks. "Yeah." I reply simply. "But I won't let you go," my grip tightens around her waist. "Don't worry."

"I know. I just can't imagine being stuck there with him for the rest of my life... Who knows what he'd do to me..." she says quietly, unknowingly grabbing a fistful of my shirt. "I don't want you hanging out with those guys, Ellie... I'm not saying it to be possessive, or jealous, it's just- they're-"

"Okay." I cut her off. "If you don't want me to."

"I got your text! Is she okay?!" I hear a door swing open farther away, and Max runs into the room.

"Oh thank god..." he sighs, puffing. He groans quietly, seeing her near me, and I roll my eyes. "Maxy!" she smiles. "I'm glad you agreed!"

"'agreed' is a strong word. I prefer...'are trying not to kill each other'." he puts a hand on his hip, sitting on the end of the bed. "Oh shut up." she smiles, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards her, kissing him. He seems surprised, and probably uneasy since I'm here, but we'll have to get along somehow. She lets him go, and pulls away, giggling quietly at his confusion.

"Hey, hey, hey, just because you won't decide, doesn't mean I'll like sharing." he frowns. "Well get used to it." she laughs. "It'll take a while to get used to. Of all my girlfriends and boyfriends, they've only dated ME and nobody...else..." Max frowns at me, and I roll my eyes. "Both of you shut up, I know what you're doing." she smiles, raising an eyebrow, and looking back and forth between us.

"Hey, have any of you seen Pars? Didn't she have the dinner with David tonight?" she asks, looking to me for confirmation, and I nod. "Her mom won't let her out of the house much, she hasn't even been to your place to escape yet." Max states. "She says he's emotionless, like he's been hurt badly."

"I feel so bad for her... She's stuck with him..." Griff says sadly.

"We have no time for this, here's what I'm thinking." I say suddenly, and they both turn to look at me. "We assemble a small team, with us and Parsley, and we head off to Limbo." I say, and they both gasp. "Why?! What would we do there?! Bring me closer so he can get me?!" she asks angrily.

"No, baby, I'm saying we go, you stay here. We'll go fight him, and get rid of him once and for all." I say, rubbing her back. "Fuck no." she says, and we both give her a puzzled look. "I'm not letting the three people I love the most in the world go and fight a fucking fallen GOD!" she says, looking at both of us. "None of you are strong enough!"

"Well...You're the daughter of the Devil?" Max says. "No! I'm not dragging her in with us!" I argue. "NONE of us are strong enough! I'm a half blood, so are you, Ellie. Max is fine, but Parsley is still weaker since Emily was fallen when she had her." she explains. "So it's no use against a fallen god. Not just a fallen angel, but a fallen GOD."

"You're right. But we have to try." Max says, looking up at me. "No!" she argues. "It's that, or you're trapped in Limbo forever, with someone worse than the devil." I say, locking fingers with her. "Well then... We'll train, get stronger, and recruit stronger people." I suggest.

Miss Devil (Sequel to Mr. Devil)Where stories live. Discover now