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Griffyn's P.O.V

He sits down and tells us how his friends went in, and found out that he built a ginormous labyrinth. He has puzzles and traps everywhere, in case someone tries to get into his little kingdom, and he's apparently super powerful.

"What are we gonna do?!" I ask frantically, tugging at my hair. "Simple," Elliot says. "We're going in."

"We're not strong enough!" Max argues. "He's right, we're half-bloods, and Pars is part fallen." I say.

"We need to train. Half-bloods can be powerful, I know, I'm stronger than the average half-blood." Elliot says. "Really?" I ask, cocking my head to the side. "Yes! I trained when I was younger. My magik father helped me, but my human mother died giving birth to me." he says, and Max looks shocked, but I already knew. "I trained for fifteen years with my dad. I still see my mom in heaven sometimes, but she isn't around a lot."

"You think we could get strong enough?" I ask, looking around at them. "Yep. Definitely." Elliot smiles. "Shit, I gotta go." Max checks his watch. "Why? Stay with me..." I whine, grabbing his arm as he goes to get up. "No, thanks... I'm gonna go..." he says, and Elliot laughs quietly. "Fine. Abandon me." I pout, crossing my arms.

"I'll be back some other time." he smiles, hugging me. He walks out, shutting the door after him, and I just stare.

He didn't even kiss me goodbye... Not to be obsessive, though...

"Okay, I'm not going to lie to you," The door swings open and he walks back in, with a hand on his hip. "I don't think this is working out." he says plainly, and I zone out for a minute.

"W-why?" I ask, and Elliot lays his hand on mine, locking our fingers. "It's just too weird with Elliot, I can't do this." he says, and gives me an apologetic smile. "Are you serious?" I ask, on the edge of tears. "Yes...Sorry..."

"We waited so long, and you're just gonna end it like that?!"

"I'm sorry." he repeats, crossing his arms. "Just go." I turn away from him, my tears turning to ones of anger.

"Fine." he walks out, shutting the door. "Well...that was...savage..." Elliot says. "Not helping!" I growl. "Sorry. Jeez. He ends an argument like a woman." he laughs, and he makes me crack a smile, like he always does.

"Ellie..." I cry, wrapping my arms around his waist like a kid, and resting my head on his chest. "I waited so long, and it crashed down in flames..."

"It's okay," he says, stroking my hair and wrapping an arm around my back.

"N-no! It's not!" I pull away and look him in the eyes. "He wanted me for so long, and I wanted him too. He wouldn't make the first move, for EIGHTY-TWO years! When I finally did, he just destroyed it! What we both waited so many years for!"

"You're right, that is wrong." he says softly into my hair, pulling me back to his chest. I notice him looking towards the art room. He has guitars in there, keyboards, a microphone, easels, paint, paper, everything artistic or creative.

Now that I think about it, I've never actually heard him sing. I pull away, and go curl up in a ball at the end of the couch, facing the cushion.

I can't get close to him... He could break my heart...

He picks up an acoustic guitar that was leaning against the sofa next to him, and he starts playing, making me look up. I recognize the tune as Safe and Sound, by Taylor Swift. He starts singing, and I gasp quietly. "I remember tears streaming down your face, when I said I'd never let you go."

Oh my fucking god. He as a voice like an angel, but it's deep at the same time...

I stare in awe as he continues. "When all those shadows almost killed your light."

"I remember you said, 'don't leave me here alone'. But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight." I find myself tearing up, and I hug the pillow next to me.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down," A tear falls from my cheek, and I wipe it with my sleeve, not taking my eyes off him. "You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now."

Like a fucking angel.

"Come morning light, you and I'll be safe, and, sound."

I burst into tears, throwing myself into his arms, and he lays the guitar on the sofa next to us.

"D-don't ever leave me, p-please, Ellie..." I sob into his chest, curling into a ball on his lap. "I won't, baby." he rests my head in the crook of his neck, and I grab a fistful of his shirt. "I promise."

Elliot's P.O.V

"Just close your eyes," I sing softly, as she starts to drift off to sleep. "You'll be alright,"

She's soon out, and I pick her up bridal style, resting her head against my chest and carrying her to the bedroom. I lay her down on the bed gently, and I go to leave, but she reaches out her hand, whimpering and grabbing the end of my shirt. I smile softly and climb into bed next to her, pulling her into my arms.

Max's P.O.V

I lie in bed, hugging the pillows, and just staring at the blank ceiling, blanker than my life.

How could I have done that? I just blew my one chance at love... But... I can't do anything with Elliot, I want her to myself.

'Just go back to your ex-boyfriend, he loved you,' My crazy angel voice says. 'Hmm... Maybe...'

Miss Devil (Sequel to Mr. Devil)Where stories live. Discover now