19) Split

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"Let's go, people!" I shout from outside the cabins. "We're coming!" The twins growl, walking out, and Elliot comes out with the bags, and Max. "PARS GET UP!" I screech, banging on her door. No answer. I push it open, but she's not there. "No time to muck around now!" I hiss, checking behind the door.

"Where is she?" Luci pushes in, looking around. "She's gone!" I shriek, tugging at my hair. "What?!" Everyone says.

We check around the cabins everywhere, and then back up into the middle, with all our backs to each other. "Where is she?!" I growl at the sky, expecting Seth took her. "Not telling!" he teases. "But she's alive, that's all you need to know. I won't hurt her." he laughs, and then it goes silent.

"Why don't I trust him?" Luci crosses her arms, frowning.

We walk drowsily through the labyrinth, the storm clouds gathering above us, and the lightning striking somewhere.

"I'm gonna die..." I whine, wrapping my arms around Max, and resting my head on his back. "Just a bit further, come on." Elliot says.

We come to a circular part in the maze, and it has five separate paths leading off it. "Which way do we go?" I ask, and we all look in separate ways. "Not up to you." Seth laughs, and I hear a loud snap.

I look behind me, and I've been closed off from the others. "Guys!" I grab the hedge behind me, shaking it desperately. "We're all separate!" Luci says.

"Stay calm, we have to be able to find each other again." Elliot says. "Keep going, we'll meet again." Max assures me. "I'm scared." I cry, and tears flood my eyes. "It's okay, it's not that bad." Elliot says comfortingly. "It is! What if one of us falls into a trap, and dies alone?!"

"That won't happen, don't worry. Keep going." Elliot says, and it goes silent. I wipe my tears and continue along the path. "You okay, sweetheart?" Max asks quietly, so only I can hear, from the other side of the hedge on my left. "I-I'm fine..." I say, shaking with fear.

I step slowly along the path, careful not to overlook any traps or anything. "Is everyone okay?" Luci calls out, but nobody answers except me, though there are quiet murmurs in the background. "Luci! I think we're far away from them!" I cry, moving closer to the right side of the hedge.

"Maybe... Or they're all dead."


"Sorry." she laughs, making groan quietly. "I'm with Ryder, our paths met somewhere." she says, and I gasp, looking around. "MAX! ELLIOT!" I call out at the top of my lungs. "Are you okay?!" Max calls back. "Yes! Are you?!" I ask, jumping to see over the hedge, but it's super tall, and I'm super short.

"We're fine!" he calls back. "Wait, you're together?!"

"Yes!" he shouts, and then it goes silent. "Okay, that's fine." I say quietly. "Luci?" I ask.

No reply.


Tears threaten to spill, and I bite my lip, continuing down the twisting path slowly.

Elliot's P.O.V

"Have we finally agreed?" I tease Max, walking around a corner. "You know she's gonna flip." he laughs, jumping over a rope which would most likely trigger a trap. I only see it last second, and hit it slightly, but then jump over it as a couple hundred bricks fall from the sky behind us. We go running, but then laugh. We hear a snap, and a girl screams.

"GRIFFYN!" we both yell, running towards the sound. We turn lots of corners, but come to a dead end. "Are you okay, baby?!" I ask, trying to push my way through the hedge. "I-I-I fell!" she stutters. "I'm h-hanging!"

"We're coming sweetheart, just hold on." Max says, and pushes me away from the hedge. "Don't be stupid." he says, dragging me down another path. "I've tried. The hedges are a meter thick."

We run down another path, and turn the corner, meeting Griffyn's eyes.

She's in tears, and hanging from a rope above a huge black hole. "Oh god." I gasp, running over to her.

She's clinging to the rope for her life, and she reaches a hand out to me, gasping as the rope swings. "Hold me." I tell Max, and he grabs the back of my shirt as I lean over the gaping hole. I grab her hand and tell her to jump. "N-no!" she says. "You have to!" I say, looking into her eyes full of fear.

"P-please don't m-make me!" she cries, squeezing my hand. "Do you trust me?" I ask softly, stroking the back of her hand. She nods slowly. "Then jump!"

She jumps and I pull her into my arms, stumbling backwards into a pile with Max, and the hold closes up, disappearing. "Are you okay?" Max asks, sitting up. "I thought I was gonna die." she whispers, burying her face in my chest. "I thought I'd never s-see you guys again."

"It's okay," Max says, and she lays her legs on his lap. "We're here." I say quietly, holding her against my chest and stroking her hair. "The others are still gone..." she says, looking up at me with tears in her eyes. "It's okay, they're together, they're fine." Max says.

"What about Parsley?! She could be dead!" she cries, looking over at Max. "She's not." Seth says.

"Why the fuck would we trust you, bitch?" Griff growls, looking up to the sky. Max chuckles quietly, stroking her hair. "It's okay."

"Listen." Seth says. "Guys?" Parsley's voice echoes through my ears. "She's alive." Griffyn's eyes widen, staring straight ahead. "How do we know this isn't a trick? You made fake twins." I say, frowning and remembering the pair that stabbed Griff. "It's not. You just have to take my word for it."

"Pfft." I scoff. "As if."

"Look, I wouldn't hurt her. Here's a place to sleep, losers. I want to kill YOU myself."

I hear a snap, and look behind me to see two cabins, identical to the ones we had before, but without Parsley's in the middle. "But the twins aren't-" Griffyn starts, but then we see them walk around the corner, looking around. "Hey!" her face lights up, and she jumps off my lap, running over and throwing her arms around them. "What happened to you?!" Luci asks, returning the hug.

"Trap." she says bluntly. "It's getting late, let's go sleep." she says, and skips off to the cabins. "She's so cute." Max smiles after her, his gaze watching her until she goes into the cabin. "I know." I smile.

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