12) Children

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Parsley's P.O.V

"Come on, guys!" I says exasperatedly, trying to turn Griffyn around to face Max, but they still just sit opposite each other, with their backs turned.

"I can't help you if you won't try!" I cry, tugging at my hair. "We don't want your help!" she growls. "Griff, look at me..." I turn her head to face me. "Let me help you."

She groans, turning around and looking at Max slowly. Then the chaos starts.

"You wouldn't do anything for years!"

"I didn't know if you liked me or not!"

"You still couldn't try?!"

They yell faster and faster, louder and louder, to the point where I can't even understand anymore. "SHUT UP!" I yell, but they don't.

"I don't want it to be awkward every time we're all together! You've known each other for eighty-two years, for god's sake, don't throw it away!" I say, putting a hand on my hip.

I growl, getting frustrated, and do the first thing that I know will shut one of them up.

I grab Max's face and press my lips against his suddenly, but pull away a few seconds later. With nothing to argue with, Griff shuts up, and Max just stands there, staring into nothingness. "He'll be out for a while. If he dies, call me." I walk away, looking out the window. "Max," Griffyn calls his name, waving a hand in front of his face. "MAX!"

"Huh?" he snaps out of his trance the second time, and Griff slaps him. "Hey!" he cries. "Whoops, thought you were still out..." she lies, and whistles innocently, looking away. "Elliot is back." I call out, seeing him coming through the ajar door.

Griffyn's P.O.V

"Ellie!" I squeal, running out the door and jumping on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Whoa! Hi!" he laughs, holding me up. He kisses me softly, and I wrap my arms around his neck. I must weigh as much as a feather, or he's just really strong.

"You smell like smoke." I pout, frowning. "I'm sorry, I'll try to stop, but while I'm with the guys, I have to keep the act up." he says, resting his forehead on mine, and carrying me inside.

"Hey Pars, hey Max..." he says, seeing Max frowned. "So what did you find out?" I ask, as he sits down on the couch, sitting me on his lap. "I found out where it is."

We all gasp, and Parsley looks terrified. "They've broken in a few times, so it should be easy to get in again. We'll go in an hour." he says.

"Are you sure?" I ask with worry, braiding his curly hair on the sides. "Yep."


"Ready?" He asks, as we all meet after an hour of packing and things. "Yeah."

He leads us down some twisty paths, dark tunnels, and red places. I hear scuttling nearby, and I squeal, grabbing Elliot's arm. "It's okay." he says, rubbing my back.  "What was that?!" I ask in fright, not letting go of him. "I...don't know..." he replies, and squeezes my hand. Parsley runs over to Max, throwing her arms around his waist in fright, and he just stands there, zoning out again. "Max!" we all call.

"Y-yeah, I'm here." he shakes his head, coming to his senses, and we continue down the dark tunnel. "This is it. This is how I'm going to die." I say, as I hear footsteps, that don't sound like out own. "Everyone stop!" Elliot whispers, and we stop dead in our tracks. But the footsteps continue.

They get nearer, and louder, and I bury my face in Elliot's chest, holding onto his shirt. "Who's there?" he asks, in hopes of it being a person. The footsteps speed up, but nobody answers, and my grip tightens on Elliot's shirt. He notices, and wraps an arm around my back, silently telling me it'll be okay. Parsley shrieks, grabbing Max's arm, and he squeals like a girl, clamping his eyes shut as the thing runs around the corner and right into us.

We all open our eyes, and I look up to see I've fallen on Elliot, and we're in a pile of bodies. "Who are you dorks?" An unfamiliar female voice says. "And what the hell were you doing down here?" A male asks. We all stand up, and come face to face with two people.

The girl is beautiful. She has ocean blue chin-length wavy hair, with uneven bangs, but they go straight across. Her skin is light, and she has a nose piercing in the middle, as well as a lot of others. She's in a leather jacket, and raises an eyebrow at us. "Who the hell are you?"

"Anyone tell you it's rude to stare?" The boy speaks up, and my eyes dart to him. He has the same color hair as her, but his is bushier, and not wavy. They have the same color skin, and I realize she's got a sharp knife in her hand. "I said, who are you?" she repeats, pointing the knife at me.

"Who are you?! And where did you come from?" I ask confidently, but secretly still holding onto Elliot's shirt behind him.

"We are children of Aqua the Great, so don't talk to us that way. Who, are, you?" she holds the knife near my face, and I whimper. "Wait, did you say Aqua the Great?" I gasp.

"Yes. Why?"

"She's my aunt... My father is Andrew Devil, her little brother." I say, and she pulls the knife away. "Prove it." she scoffs.

I think for a moment, before pulling back my hair, to reveal the little pitch fork birthmark on the back of my neck that all descendants of the first devil have. She gasps, before turning around and pushing away what little hair was obstructing a small water drop birthmark.

Parsley turns and shows the halo on the back of her neck. "You're the devil's daughter? And you're the Lord's?" she asks, eyeing us carefully. We nod.

"That means... You're our... Cousin?"

Miss Devil (Sequel to Mr. Devil)Where stories live. Discover now