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   "So, you've met your roommate?"

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"So, you've met your roommate?"

I didn't know how to answer. Actually, I didn't. I wasn't sure how I could answer if my mind was racing past its speed limit. I felt this strange familiarity from him, that I just couldn't put my finger on.

  "Does that answer your question?" Jungkook asked with an eyebrow raised.

     What question? It took me a moment to remember that I had asked him if he was my roommate.

Vivian: Hey Jungkook, can you go get some boxes from my place so we can get started with unpacking?

Jungkook smiles a yes and leaves to get some boxes.

He just listens to what she says? There's something going on here.

Vivian turns to face me.

Vivian: Are you mad?

Sua: Um, yeah I'm mad! My roommate is a guy, and you didn't even tell me. How could you set me up with living with a guy?

Vivian: Don't try to pin this all on me, I tried to tell you! Aren't you the one who wanted to keep it a surprise?

Before I start to scold her anymore, I remember that I did want to keep it a surprise and that we're both idiots.

Sua: You're right, V. It's just... He's hot.

I say while I go to the sofa and take a seat. I cup my face with my hands.

Vivian: It's okay - wait, do you recognize him?

Sua: He introduced himself, I just wasn't really listening. I was still in shock. Why should I recognize him?

Vivian: He goes to our school, Sua. He's Jeon Jungkook. The player.

My mouth hangs open, and I start to have a mini panic attack.

Sua: Man, my shock really gets the best of me, do you think -

Before I can finish my sentence, Jungkook walks in with like 5 boxes.

Wait, those are all the boxes I brought. He brought ALL of them?

Jungkook: I'm back with the boxes.

Vivian and me get up from the sofa, Vivian with her eyes wide open seeing Jungkook will all the boxes. She walks up to him.

Vivian: Woah, you brought, all of them? You know I really just meant like two of them right?

Vivian says rubbing the back of her neck. I just watch from afar.

Jungkook: No problem, I just wanted to make the work easier for you. (Pause) You guys, I meant.

I almost jump at what he says and then a smile spreads across my face.

He likes her sooooo bad.

I decide to break the alkwardness, and butt into the conversation.

Sua: Thanks, Jungkook. Vivian you go along to your room, we'll take it from here.

Vivian nods and is almost happy to leave. The door closes and me and Jungkook just stare at each other.

Jungkook: I'm bringing 3 of these to your room, you bring the other 3 and then fix up your room however you like.

He commands and gets right to work. What the hell? He was so... Charming a while ago.

Sua: Ga-Got it.

I get the boxes and follow Jungkook to my room. It's pretty big, or at least big enough and my bathroom is inside as well.

Jungkook: Alright, I have to go. I'll probably be back... Very late, so...

His phone beeps and he pulls it out to see who texted him. He starts to smile.

Jungkook: Yeah, I have to go.

I plop on the mattress of my bed since it was already set up. I heard the door close.

Sua: Bye to you too.

Can't wait to see how this goes.


Author's Note
       So here's another chapter! Thank you to anyone reading this, I hope you look forward to reading more.  Also, Vivian, Sua's best friend, she's called V at times but don't mistake her for Taehyung! He does show up later, but not for a little while.  Again, if there's any other "announcements" I have, I'll make more Author Notes. Okay. Byeeeeee

you're my roommate? | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now