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Author's POV

Taehyung: Jungkook? Are you even listening?

      Taehyung waves his hand in Jungkook's face expecting to wake him from his trance.

Jungkook: Yeah um continue.

Taehyung: So I was in Ms.Kang's class, and she said she wanted to see you.

       Jungkook furrows his eyebrows trying to think of what he did this time.

Jimin: Oh, Jungkookie's in trouble...

      Jungkook shakes his head in denial.

Jungkook: I seriously didn't do anything wrong. She probably confused me with one of you two.

      Jimin and Taehyung look at each other in confusion, and Jungkook leaves to Ms.Kang's room. Ms.Kang is their math teacher, and is annoyed by Jungkook and his friends like all the other teachers. Jungkook sighs as he walks in.

Jungkook: You called me?

Ms.Kang: That's not exactly how you address a teacher, but yes, I did call you. Take a seat.

Jungkook: I'm okay with standing.

      Ms.Kang rolls her eyes then takes out a few papers.

Ms.Kang: These are permission slips for coming to school during break. You'll be having extra math classes for the concepts you still have yet to learn.

Jungkook: During break? Why would I want to do that?

Ms.Kang: I could think of few reasons, but the only one that you'll care about is getting to graduate and leave.

     Jungkook couldn't believe that to graduate, he was forced to take extra classes during his week of break. He knew he would have to charm his way out for this one.

Jungkook: Ms.Kang, everyone deserves second chances, right? Is there anything else I can do to pass? Anything for you, I promise. (Wink)

      Jungkook was internally cringing but knew this was the only way out. Ms.Kang tried to resist his sudden politeness, but still gave in.

Ms. Kang: Well I suppose... I could let you retake the test.

       Jungkook nods and Ms.Kang puts the papers she had out away.

Ms.Kang: You have two weeks Jeon, use them wisely.

      Jungkook smiles then leaves quickly out of the classroom to go vent about the situation to his friends. As soon as he explains it to them, Jimin starts to laugh.

Jungkook: Why is this funny to you?

Jimin : There's no way you're passing that test.

      Taehyung nods along but stops when they are in front of an awards case for the school.

Taehyung: If only you were as smart as her.

     Taehyung gestures at a photo in the case.

Jimin: Tae, that's our principal who's also a guy.

Taehyung: No, I meant the girl shaking his hand. That's Lee Sua. She's always been really good in school. If Jungkook had her as like a tutor or something, I could see him pass.

      Jimin nods and looks at Jungkook just staring at the photo but mainly only at Sua. What happened earlier refused to leave his mind and had him in a good mood before Ms.Kang called.

Jimin: You should definitely ask her. You can probably find her at the lunch room right now.

Jungkook: I won't need to. I know her very well.

At SUA's Apartment

I haven't really talked to Vivian since I moved in, and after what's happened, talking to her is the only thing that sounds comforting at this moment.

Vivian: Is Jungkook a jerk?

      I want to say yes, but I also want to say no. Analyzing Jungkook is hard.

Sua: He's really confusing, but I've just learned to accept it. He's mostly not home so I'm fine.

       I hear a knock on my bedroom door. The only person it could really be is Jungkook, but why would he want to talk to me?

Jungkook: Sua, I need you to- Hi Vivian.

      A smile immediately spreads across his face and Vivian smiles back. Could Vivian like him?

Vivian: Hi Junkook. I was talking to Sua, but I was just about to leave. See you later!

      What is she talking about she just got here.

     Before she opens the bedroom door to leave she mouths the word 'bond'. I really don't think I need to, but Vivian's already left and now me and Jungkook are alone in my bedroom. Should I feel scared? Why did she have to leave me alone?!

Jungkook: So Sua, I need you to do a huge favor for me.

Sua: Wh-what is it?

       Sua, you stutter at the worst times. But what is he going to ask me, to move out?

Jungkook: I need you to tutor me.

      I let out a breath of relief and Jungkook looks at me confused then laughs.

Jungkook: What did you think I was going to ask?

Sua: Nothing, I was just... Breathing.

      What the hell am I saying right now. I stare at the floor awkwardly, forgetting about Jungkook's favor.

Jungkook: Um Sua? About the tutoring...

Sua: Oh yeah, of course. I mean I live with you so it won't be that hard.

     I smile at him to cover up for my recent awkward actions. He smiles back happy that I accepted his offer.

Jungkook: So I'll see you at eight, tomorrow?

Sua: Mhm. Eight.

     And he leaves again, once through my bedroom and then the actual apartment. Where he goes, I have no idea, but all that I need to take care of right now is this tutoring that I got myself into.


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