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           It's been about two hours since Jungkook left and I just finished fixing up my room. Wonderful. I didn't call Vivian to help because I wanted to feel adult-y. Yeah, I'm weird.

Sua: Eomma! What's for din- oh wait.

         So I guess it's gonna take some time to get used to this independent stuff, but I think I can manage. For now, I just need food.

         Okay screw it, I'm tired of being alone. I'm calling Vivian.

Sua:  Vivian! Have you had dinner yet?

Vivian:  Actually, I'm coming over with a surprise. Open up.

           The call ends and I head to the door, and open it to see Vivian with a pizza box and a bottle of beer.

Vivian: Bon appetite.

Sua: Oh my god, come in!

       Who cares if my roommate left me alone on my moving day, I have food and my best friend. We eventually decide to eat in the living room, watching a movie.

Vivian: But you love her! You always have! Stop being blind!

      I laugh at her reactions, but decide to bring up a question that's been roaming my head.

Sua: So V, are you and Jungkook good friends?

           Vivian continues watching the movie, but still answers my questions.

Vivian: Um yeah I guess. I actually met him two weeks after I started living here.

Sua: Cool, but uh- I don't know if you've noticed, but he acts like he likes you or something.

Vivian finally turns her head then bites her lip.

Vivian: I've actually always kinda had that feeling- but why would he like me? He's more into girls like Jiyoon and Jaehee.

I nod along to her answer, but decide to ask Jungkook once he comes home. Okay what am I thinking, he'll never tell me. We're not even close. Oh well I'll find some other way to ask him.

Vivian's phone buzzes, interrupting me from my thought process.

Vivian: (Sigh) It's my roommate. I gotta go, we can finish the movie some other time.

Sua: But what about the pizza box?

Vivian: Keep it. Think of it as a... Moving in present. Okay I'll see you later.

Vivian closes her door on her way out and I start to get ready for bed. The time is way past my normal bedtime, but Jungkook still isn't back. This doesn't feel like living on your own, it feels like being an angry housewife.

I might as well catch up with my parents.

Sua: Eomma, are you still awake?

Eomma: Of course. I'm always there for my daughter.

Sua: You were waiting for my call, weren't you?

Eomma: Ah, you know me so well. So how is it?

Sua: Great. Is Appa there?

Eomma: Aniyo. He's sleeping. You know his habits. (Chuckles) But definitely call tomorrow, he'll be more than happy to talk.

Sua: Alright. Bye.

I guess I better go to sleep now. I lay down in my bed and turn off the light beside it. The apartment is completely quiet, and from the window I can see skyscrapers against the twinkling sky. The sight brings a smile to my face.

I could get used to this...

I shut my eyes and start to doze off before I hear the lock of the door loudly unlock. The star of the show has finally arrived. About time. Should I get up and see him? I probably am since I'm getting myself out of bed without realization.

Jungkook's sitting on the the couch with his arms folded. From my view, it looks like he's just thinking.

Sua: Ja-Jungkook?

He immediately turns his head to where I am and furrows his eyes.

Jungkook: What are you- oh wait. I remember. You're my little roommate.

Um, I'm not little. But I decide to ignore his comment.

Sua: Yup. That's me. So... Uh where've you been?

Is it weird that I'm asking this? It's all I could think of. Jungkook scoffs and looks a little annoyed.

Jungkook: Why does it matter to you?

That's not the response I was looking for... I look away to avoid his striking, pissed of gaze.

Sua: Sorry, I was just curious. I mean, you were gone for a pretty long time.

Jungkook: I was? Good. You're gonna have to get used to it.

He gets up from his seat and goes into his room and shuts the door. That. Was. Terrifying. He's so... Moody. I swear he's an angel with Vivian.

Living with this kid is not going to be easy.

All of a sudden his door opens and out comes a laughing Jungkook.

Jungkook: Did I scare you?

Sua: Um, yeah.

Jungkook: I'm not actually like that. I promise. (Wink)

           Did he just wink at me? Yup this is definitely a playboy from school.

Jungkook: So what's your name again, princess?

Sua: Don't call me that and um, Sua.

         Jungkook nods and grins. I turn around and open my door to go back to my room, but stop when Jungkook calls my name.

Jungkook: Sua?

Sua: Yeah...?

Jungkook: Can I have pizza from that box?

         Thank god, I thought he was going to ask me something important. Well pizza is important, but still. I decide to smile for once and nod.

Sua: Go ahead.

      Jungkook makes his way to the pizza box and I walk back inside my room. Then realization hits me- I forgot to ask him about Vivian! Oh well I like sleep better, I'll ask him tomorrow.

        But what have I leaned today? Living here is going to be interesting. I turn the lamp off and doze off to whatever crazy shit I dream about.


      Here's another chapter! One more thing, I don't update on Saturdays. :)
       See you next chapter, this has been ineedujk. (Lol what is wrong with me)

you're my roommate? | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now