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I take a look at my notebook and see how my notes look different today. But not in a good way. I barely wrote anything down and my thoughts keep bringing me out of the lesson.

Why can't I stop thinking about it? Probably because I'm in his class right now.

Usually, I feel the most confident in Mr.Jung's room. I feel comfortable with saying anything because of how understanding Mr.Jung is. But after what happened yesterday, I don't know how I'll face him normally.

Mr.Jung: Alright class, now that I'm practically done with the lesson. I wanted to talk to you about something that recently happened in my neighborhood.

I have an idea of what it is...

I look back to where Jungkook was seated to find him looking back at me sharing the same look I have- fear and nervousness. I turn my head back before anyone can notice me and Jungkook.

Mr.Jung: My next door neighbor's car was completely vandalized, but he has no idea who did it. He's thinking of getting cameras to avoid this situation in the future- Jungkook, sit down! Anyway, he wants to put up cameras but not everyone has money for that. So obviously a cheaper way to stopping it, guys, don't do dumb things like this. Talk to someone, but don't ruin someone else's day or money. Okay?

Everyone responds "okay" except Jungkook and Jimin who seem annoyed of the lecture.

Vivian: Mr.Jung is a really good speaker, don't you think?

I only nod, too guilty to actually say anything. Seconds later the bell rings and everyone rises from their seat meeting up with their friends. Before he opens the door, Mr.Jung announces something.

Mr.Jung: If anyone has their extra credit, come see me right now.

Everyone groans as they leave the room because they all forgot about their extra credit- well everyone except me. I walk up to his desk hoping I could just give it without actually speaking to him. But I doubt that will happen.

Mr. Jung: But of course Lee Sua brought her extra credit.

Mr.Jung smiles at me and I smile back. He's so nice to me, I can't believe I was actually about to ruin his car. Instead, I might have done something worse.

Mr.Jung: What do you think about the situation with the car?

Sua: Hm...? Oh yeah, it really is a shame.

Mr.Jung: I hear ya. But do you wanna know something?

Sua: W-what?

I'm really glad he's ignoring my consistent stuttering and awkwardness.

Mr.Jung: I have this weird feeling it could be that pair from Busan. Jungkook and Jimin, they've never really liked me. Maybe they had mistaken my car for my neighbor's. What do you think?

This man should be working for the crime department, not a school. He put the whole story together just like that! Well, he got one thing wrong... I was there.

I could just bust him here. Mr.Jung won't believe Jungkook if he says I was part of it. Then I could forget about this and keep myself from feeling guilty. The only thing is, I'm not doing that. Jungkook should be thankful I exist.

Sua: I wouldn't exactly think that.

Mr.Jung seemed surprised when I said that. I can see why, he knows I don't have the best opinion on Jungkook. But here I am defending him.

Mr.Jung: What do you mean by that?

Mr.Jung speaks to me respectfully but is still shook from what I'm saying.

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