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      My legs are actually shaking. For once they're bare, and the air conditioner being on isn't helping.

     How does Jiyoon live like this?

    "Alright, class dismissed for the day, see you tomorrow.", The bell rings and most of us start packing up. I finish zipping up my backpack ready to meet with Vivian but am stopped with an exaggerated cough. 

Sua: Um... Hello?

    The whole class was watching what was happening. If you haven't guessed by now, it's everyone's favorite, Jiyoon.

Jiyoon: Well it looks like someone went shopping at 'hoes r us'.

       I keep quiet because of everyone watching, but am mentally cringing at her 'diss'.

Sua: Did you steal that one from your seven year old brother?

     "She can talk back?"

     I roll my eyes at what people are saying. All I want to do is go to this photo shoot, then go home and sleep. That's all I'm asking for.

Sua: You know what Jiyoon, I really don't have time for this.

Some people look impressed with how I'm talking back, but I'm not doing this for attention! I really want to go home.

Jaehee: Hm, she gets a new wardrobe and then suddenly doesn't have time for people.

Jiyoon nods at her best friend's assumption. Everyone just stays quiet waiting for the next word. From the corner of my eye, I can see Jungkook and his friends watching intently. Well only him and Taehyung. Jimin stays on his phone and doesn't seem to care.

Why did I become ten times more nervous when I saw them here?

Jiyoon: Jaehee, I wouldn't go that low. She's obviously trying to impress her little crush, Jimin.

As soon as he was mentioned, Taehyung nudges Jimin on the shoulder to let him know that he became a part of the conversation. Jungkook looks a lot more interested now that one of his friends are involved. Jimin turns off his phone to pay attention and see what was going on.

Sua: I don't like Jimin.

Jiyoon: Really? Cause that note you wrote him telling him 'you'll love him forever' disagrees.

I close my eyes remembering writing him that stupid note when we were in the seventh grade. Tears threaten to fall out, but I refuse to let Jiyoon win. What's my best option? Run.

Author's POV:

Jimin's eyes open in shock from what Jiyoon says then looks to see Sua's next move. He completely loses it when he sees Sua run away.

Jimin: Jiyoon! What the hell, you know that was written like 4 years ago. She wore something different today, big deal. From all the things you know how to do, why can't you keep your mouth shut?

Everyone watches Jimin run his mouth at Jiyoon. Of course she's scared from his outbreak, but tries to act as if she could care less.

Jimin: Oh and Jungkook? Tame your girlfriend.

And then Jimin runs out of the room as well, probably after Sua. Everyone laughs at his comment, but Jungkook stays speechless although his girlfriend continuously complains to him about Jimin.

Everyone eventually leaves, but Jungkook continues to share some glances at the door, waiting for either Jimin or Sua to come out.


Sua's POV

I sit at the highest row on the bleachers waiting for Vivian to finish up a test she's taking. My feet swing in the air trying to create some heat because of how cold it is up here.

Now that I think of it, this was not the best hiding area.

All of a sudden a gush of heat goes over me and I lift up my legs due to being surprised. I hear a chuckle coming from a few feat away.

Jimin: There's a button that turns on the heating system.

I nod my head and look away silently cursing myself because he was the one person I really wanted to avoid at this moment.

Jimin: It's fine Sua. I'm not creeped out or anything by what Jiyoon said.

I quickly turn my head in confusion.

Sua: Your not?!

Jimin: Yeah, I mean the note was written in the seventh grade. But how did she know you wrote it? It was anonymous.

Sua: She has her ways. She's Jiyoon.

I pout as I cup my face with my hands.

Jimin: Well she could've told me. Do you know how long I tried finding out who wrote it?

Sua: Why did you?

Jimin: When someone kind of proposes to you, it's a good idea to find out who they are. But at that point, I thought it was Taehyung trying to prank me.

Jimin puts on a distressed face and I smile at his effort for making me laugh. I want to ask him why he's doing this but it looks like he's going to say something.

Jimin: I don't like her.

Jimin shakes her head then looks at me.

Jimin: I'm sorry and I apologize in advance for Jungkook. I don't know what he did wrong but I could tell it's something. If he acts cold around you, that's okay. That's just him trying to keep up his 'bad boy' reputation.

I nod showing that I understand. Wow. Jimin looks even better up close. I get a text from Vivian saying that she's ready.

Sua: I have to go. Bye. Thank you for cheering me up.

Jimin: No problem, secret admirer.

We smile at each other and I walk away with a huge knot in my stomach.


Is this a double update? I guess it is.


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