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This must be the most eventful Sunday I've had in my whole life. Usually a day where I do last minute homework, and catch up on dramas, today I passed out and am buying ten buckets of paint. Yes, ten buckets- you heard that right.

Clerk: Is that all Miss?

Sua: Yup...

I bring all ten buckets to the car where Jungkook is waiting. If you're confused about what's happening, don't worry I am too.

Jungkook: Is that the paint?

Sua: No it's the giraffes.

Jungkook mutters something under his breath due to my sarcasm. When the boxes of paint are secured in the trunk, Jungkook takes a seat in the driver seat and I sit beside him.

Sua: So what is exactly is happening?

Jungkook: Why don't you guess first?

Oh I don't know, you decided you wanted to be Picasso for a day.

Sua: Well if this were some teenage drama, I'd say you were gonna ruin someone's property or something.

Jungkook turns his head towards me surprised, with an impressed look plastered on his face.

Jungkook: Bingo.

Sua: What?! Jungkook, I was kidding.

Jungkook: This has nothing to do with your guess, I've been planning this for a while now.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, still trying to process the situation.

Sua: So what are you going to do?

Jungkook: I'm gonna get the paint, and splatter it over someone's car.

Sua: Who's car?

Jungkook: Mr. Jung's.

Sua: Why do you want to ruin his car? He's a cool teacher.

Jungkook: Last semester, he gave me like 20 detentions. It's pretty frustrating.

I mutter "you're frustrating" under my breath, but look away because of how cocky he sounds.

Jungkook: My friend couldn't show up, so I brought you. I couldn't leave you home alone either, cause you just passed out. So here you are now.

I nod along to his explanation, but can't help to think why he wouldn't just leave me at Vivian's.

Vivian! I haven't seen her since last night. She doesn't even know about what happened to me today.

It gets even more darker outside and I look at the time to see that it's almost 9. We stop in front of a convenience store.

Sua: Why are we stopping here?

Jungkook: We can't park the car right where his is. He's going to catch us.

Sua: You mean he's going to catch you.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, confused.

Sua: Jungkook, I'm not helping you.

Jungkook laughs at my statement. He puts on his emotionless face.

Jungkook: You don't have a choice, sweetheart.

I hate his weird random nicknames for me. Before I can object, he's already outside getting out the paint. I guess I really don't have a choice. I sigh, then get out to meet Jungkook at the trunk.

Sua: Are we going to need all ten?

Jungkook: Of course not. We're only using two, grab one I'll grab the other.

Then what was the point of buying ten? He really didn't think this through.

I start to take a bucket out, but Jungkook stops me.

Jungkook: Wait, put these gloves on.

He hands me the pair and I put them on. So I guess he did some preparation. We walk a few blocks until we are in front of a house. There's a car parked in front of it, which I'm guessing is the target. Ah, poor thing.

Jungkook: Now we only have half an hour. He'll be back from his meeting by then.

I nod and put the bucket down next to where Jungkook is. I lean on a fence bordering the house as Jungkook 'works his magic'. As soon as he's done with a few splatters, he turns around to look at me.

Jungkook: Sua, why aren't you doing anything?

Sua: I really don't want to do this. You can't make me.

Jungkook: Then I take that as a challenge.

He grabs some of his paint and starts flicking it at me. It only gets on my sleeve a bit, but when it got on my cheek it definitely got my attention. I raised my eyebrows at him, but he just innocently smiled.

Jungkook: Is that going to make you?

Sua: I don't know, is this going to make you stop?

I throw paint at him, and it touches his hair. I laugh at how dumb he looks with yellow paint in his dark brown hair.

Jungkook: Sua, start painting the car or else...

He seems serious again, but for once he's smiling while he is. I'm willing to test his positivity.

Sua: Or else?

He starts chasing me around the car throwing paint at me and the car while I do the same. The only thing that could be heard right now is our laughter, and I can already tell we look insane. I stop when I see my bucket is practically finished, and Jungkook uses this as an opportunity to catch me. He gets me from the back, and wraps his arms around my waist to hold me in place.

Sua: Okay, you've got me. Now let go before you get more paint on me.

He obeys, surprisingly, and stops with me to look at the end result of the once black car. We both smile, Jungkook happy he got his little revenge done, but I on the other hand don't exactly know why I'm smiling. I was so against this at the beginning, why am I just magically okay with it now?

Sua: Wait, Jungkook. Why would Mr.Jung go to the meeting without his car?

Jungkook: Maybe he walked- but school is miles away from here. Oh no. Sua I think we-

Sua: This is the wrong car!

We hear the door of the house starting to open and run for our lives towards the nearest alley. I have this habit of breathing really loudly when I run, and in this hollow alley it sounds even louder.

Sua: Jungkook, I'm really scared. What the hell did we do?

Jungkook pulls me closer to him, to calm me down and intertwines his hand with mine making me become quiet.
We hear some man, definitely not Mr.Jung, cursing out loud about his car. When he stops, we figure it's safe to go back to Jungkook's car.

Sua: Jungkook?

Jungkook: Yeah?

Sua: Let's just pretend that never happened. Like none of that. Just forget we even bought the paint.

Jungkook: What paint?

Jungkook says then winks, as he plays along.

This is not the time to be flirtatious, coconut head.


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