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Jungkook's POV

Jungkook: And again, I can't find Jiyoon.

Taehyung: Maybe she's playing some sort of hide and seek.

I take a look at Taehyung and shake my head at his weird remark. It's only been an hour since what happened with Sua and Jiyoon, and neither Jimin nor Sua has come back.

"Oh and Jungkook? Tame your girlfriend."

I close my eyes in guilt and get frustrated because the only reason why I'm looking for Jiyoon is so I can talk to her, but just like any other time she's no where to be found.

Taehyung: Did you take your test yet?

Jungkook: This morning.

Oh yeah and then there's that math test that determines if my spring break will suck. I had to come earlier to school to take it and ever since I really haven't been worried about it. At this point, I don't really have any thoughts on how I did.

Taehyung: Then go find out your score!

I stay quiet. Now that I remember I was supposed to find it out during lunch. I guess I was just too nervous?

Jungkook: I guess I'll see now.

I walk into the room with my hands shaking inside my pockets. I made sure to maintain my normal calm look but my heart was beating faster than I thought it would.

Jungkook: Um, Ms.Kang? I'm here to find out my score.

Ms.Kang : Jungkook? Oh hello.

She looks up from her work and takes her glasses off. She's not smiling or anything, so I probably did horrible.
I'm already mentally scolding myself.

Ms.Kang : Did you make any plans for the break?

I can already tell where this conversation is heading.

Jungkook: Yeah, and I should probably cancel them now, right?

A smile starts to form on her face and she shakes her head.

Ms.Kang: I was actually about to tell you to start packing. You got a B, Jungkook.

My eyebrows jump at the news.

Jungkook: Seriously?

      Ms.Kang nods and I leave the classroom shook. (A/N hehe jungshook)

Taehyung: Good job Jungkook, Sua taught you well.

Taehyung gives me a hug and I return it.

Jungkook: You're right. She did. I should probably go find her.

Taehyung: Yeah I'll tell Jimin. And Jiyoon if I can find her.

I nod and leave the school to get to the apartment.


Vivian: Did she really do that? I swear to god, that girl gets me so mad.

I sigh then reach inside my bowl for more noodles. When Vivian and I left school, we decided to get home and have lunch together.

Vivian: So Jungkook really didn't do anything about it?

Sua: No, why would he?

Vivian: I don't know, I thought he would do something.

Surprisingly, Jungkook really didn't do anything. He just stood there and watched. What was more surprising, Jimin stood up for me. A part of me really wish he didn't because I haven't been able to keep my feelings straight ever since that moment. Vivian eventually finishes her food then leaves. I close the door then turn around to go back to my room, but the sound of the door reopening stops me.

Jungkook: Sua, you're here.

Sua: Well I live here, so not much of a surprise.

Jungkook nods and after follows a short silence.

Jungkook: So I have to tell you something-

Jimin: I'm so proud of you maknae!

Jimin walks in ruffles Jungkook's hair. I automatically become silent when I see Jimin. I acted the same way when I used to like him, so I have and idea of what may be happening.

Jimin: Sua, you got Jungkook a B on his test!

A smile immediately spreads across my face when I hear the news.

Hm, I'm not that bad of a tutor am I?

Sua: That's great.

Jimin looks adorable when he's happy. Okay no, I'm not going to let myself like him. Especially when I live with his best friend.

Jimin: We're going to celebrate this Jungkook, okay? Oh and Sua, feel free to come. My treat. (Wink)

Sua: Oh, uh-um okay.

This whole time Jungkook hasn't said a word. Instead it was as if he was analyzing the conversation I was having with Jimin. Like he was thinking about something. Then at one point, he grinned and chucked to himself in realization. What's on this kid's mind?

Jimin: Alright bye Jungkook. And thank you again Sua.

He sends one last smile and I questioned myself if my heart has ever beated faster than it is now.

     What the hell am I going to do?

     Jungkook closes the door and then coughs to get my attention. He leans on the wall beside the door and calls my name.

Jungkook: Sua.

Sua: Uh, yeah?

Jungkook: I've noticed something.

       He says with a mischievous smirk and starts walking towards me. I want to back away but instead I stay to see what Jungkook's trying to say.

Sua: What is it?

Jungkook: That you may or may not like one of my friends. So why don't you tell me and get it over with?

          My eyes open wide from what he says but not a word leaves my mouth. If I don't say anything he won't assume something right? When I don't say anything, Jungkook rolls his eyes in annoyance.

Jungkook: You like Jimin, don't you?


       Hi guys! I know it's late but this book reached a thousand reads. Thank you so much, and I hope it will improve more and more. School is almost over for me, so expect quicker updates. ☺️

            Thank you.

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