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point of view : sua

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point of view : sua

I watched as Jimin tried to stop himself from laughing. "You're telling me that you thought you wouldn't be able to go to college if you were too short?"

"Yes, I was like four and at that age everyone looked like colossus." I reasoned and again he threw his head to the side and laughed.

We were coming back home from the diner and around my shoulders was Jimin's leather jacket. 'Red and leather look nice together.' He told me.

"We're here. You're right, walking is a lot more fun." Jimin spoke after a short silence and I smiled.

"Yeah I guess we get some air." I agreed and he shook his head.

"No, I just enjoy looking at you instead of boring street lights." He flirted and I felt a huge coughing fit coming up my throat. Jimin patted my back and chuckled.

"Is it windy around your apartment? You're always coughing around here." I'm not sure how the weather is, but I am sure that Jimin gets a hundred times more charming when we're saying goodbye. And that's usually in front of my building.

"Uh yeah. The vents and the cold coming from them." I blurted out and hoped that it sounded believable. Instead I think I heard Jimin mutter something under his breath, 'cute', and then smile at me.

"Then you should keep the jacket. I don't want you getting a cold." Jimin offered and I already started to take it off.

"No, no, no, I don't think-"

"It's fine. Vents don't really bother me." I laughed and looked down at my flats before looking back up and coughing. That was a real one, it's actually really chilly.

"They better not. Night." I waved goodbye and he waved back. He was midway down the street before yelling, "I had a great time!"

I hesitantly shouted back, "Was your yelling necessary?" He looked back and laughed before nodding and disappearing into the night. This was my cue to finally walk inside my building and go to my apartment. On my way through the hallway, I found Vivian throwing away her garbage.

"Oh hi Sua. Nice dress, when did you get it?"

"Hm? Oh a while ago." I told her and felt a little guilty for not telling her that Jungkook got it for me. She'd make fun of me anyway and start questioning why when I didn't even know why. That's a valid reason. Right?

I cleared my throat before speaking, "So did you and Taehyung get any work done?" I asked and Vivian sighed.

"No. He kept on moving closer and started saying I had a bug in my eye? When he tried getting it out or something like that, I smacked him and told him that we're rescheduling at the library." I laughed in response before patting her on the back. "He can't bother me at the library."

"You don't know what he's capable of. And he's not trying to bother you, he likes you Vivian." I told her and she nodded before waving goodbye and disappearing into her apartment.

I walked to my door and again stood in front on it like I did earlier today. I let out a breath before putting my hand on the knob and walking inside the apartment. Jungkook was sleeping on the couch with his moth open, he was shirtless but there was a blanket over his chest. On the table next to the couch was his laptop open still playing the movie he was probably watching, and a bowl of popcorn next to it.

Cute. I thought to myself before opening my eyes wide and realizing what I did. I cleared my throat, even though there was no one in exception to Jungkook sleeping. I sat on the small chair next to the door and took my flats off and stayed sitting in the chair for a few minutes.

I had just came back from a date, and Jungkook stayed home watching a movie. On usual Friday nights, this was the other way around. A smile rose up my face.

"You know. Jungkook may seem like a heartless player from those movies, but I promise you. He's a good guy. He may hurt you, but he won't stop himself from feeling bad. And honestly, recently he's become more, of a gentlemen?"

Jimin told me today and it made me think. Did I change him? No. I laughed.

Me? I probably don't have any affect on Jeon Jungkook. We are just roommates. Maybe we could be friends, but change him? There's no way I could've done that. I'm out of my mind.

point of view : author

Though she didn't know it, Sua was looking at Jungkook the whole time she sat in the chair. And she was smiling, but that she knew. She didn't understand why, but was too tired to figure out the reason.

Sua got up from the chair and started walking towards the couch and gulped. Although she knew it was dumb, she started to talk to Jungkook.

"The date went great. And I know I call your advice stupid, but I hope you know I'm lying. Thank you so much, Jeon Jungkook." She took a step closer and moved her face closer to his, not letting her own conscience stopping her from doing so.

"Sua. You look beautiful. Stop stuttering and getting nervous because honestly it pisses me off. You could be wearing your pajamas, but still had that smile on, and look like you were wearing a million dollars. Now go out there and have a good time."

Jungkook told Sua before she left for her date, and Sua just thought he was complimenting her to boost her confidence. She didn't catch onto how sincere he was actually being.

Sua felt Jungkook's breath hitting her face and realized how close she was. She moved her face just a bit before moving her fingers through his bangs to get them out of his eyes.

"Thank you for the dress. Good night." She walked into her room realizing how dumb the situation was. Her speaking to someone sleeping. At least in this way, he'd never know and nothing would be awkward the next morning.

Or so she thought.

Jungkook was awake and with his eyes still closed he smiled when she was finally inside her room.

He spoke to himself and in the lowest tone, it was almost comparable to the volume of a mouse.

"Your welcome."



okay yes i realize how late this chapter is

but im just going to tell you guys now that i have a really important test coming up

and well

that came in the way and just school in general

oh and i was a bit stuck but i guess im okay with how this one ended up.

thank you :) for just reading and everything with this book in general

you're my roommate? | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now