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point of view : lee sua

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point of view : lee sua

"And you're going to call once in a while?" My mother asked and I nodded.

"You'll stay on track with school work?" My father questioned and again I nodded in response.

"I get to keep your room?" My sister asked trying to make me nod like I did for the previous questions, but instead I sent her a playful glare.

With the hesitant support of my parents, and the definite support of my younger sister, Sohye, I was moving out to live on my own.

"Sohye, go put Sua's last box in the car." My mother told her and she muttered something along the lines of 'okay' and left through the main door.

"I could've done it." I tried to tell my mom, but stopped when I saw tears welling up in her eyes. I walked towards her and held her in a hug and rubbed her back.

"I thought you would know by now. When you cry, I cry." I told her with tears stinging my eyes but I held them back with a smile.

"No no, you should be boasting with joy. I'm just your mom over here having a moment." My mother explained before my father stepped up putting his arm over her shoulders.

"You're a good girl Sua. I know you'll do just great. Now go out there before your mother starts bawling." She playfully smacked his arm off before waving goodbye. I bid them goodbye and stepped out to finally greet my sister.

"I'd tell you not to screw up, but I already know you won't." Sohye spoke and I chuckled before giving her a hug as well.

Now I was in front of Vivian, who was leaning on her car door.

"You ready?" She asked opening the door.

"Yeah, I just feel like I'm forgetting something." I responded taking a final look at my home since childhood.

What am I forgetting? I barely brought anything with me. This is probably me stalling.

"Oh what the hell, if I'm forgetting something my parents will give it to me later." I told her and took a seat inside.

"So can I start the car?"

"Let's go." I told her finally and took a breath before leaning back in my seat. I watched as the image of my home pass through the window, before it was completely gone from my sight.

After 18 years, I'm finally moving out and living on my own. Yet, am I ready? Probably not, but frankly I didn't care. In my town, there was nothing new or special I wanted to try. After living here all my life, I've basically done everything. I was bored out of my mind. I was ready for something new and this was exactly what I wanted. Living with my best friend.

Or at least next door.

I look at Vivian in the drivers seat. She has a guilty look on her face which made me puzzled since I thought she would be more excited than I was. That was the case in most situations.

"What's up? Aren't you proud of me, becoming independent?" I say nagging her shoulder.

"I am, of course I am. I'm just a bit bummed out we couldn't be roommates." Vivian confessed after stopping at a street signal.

"It's fine. You already have a roommate. At least I'm living right next to you. I don't care if I have a different roommate. I still have you near, right?" I told her and it looked like some sort of hope sparked inside of my friend.

"You- you don't care if you have a different roommate?" Vivian asked me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, even if she isn't that nice, I think I'll manage." I told her and Vivian sighed. There was something seriously going on with her but I decided to ask her later. She needed to be focused with driving at the moment.

"Sua, about your roommate-"

"Shhh, I want to keep it a surprise." I told her with a grin playing on my lips because I knew we were near the building since the stores started to look familiar.

"But there's something I really have to tell you about him,"

I cut Vivian's sentence off with my own joy of seeing the building and don't hear her last word, 'him'.

"We're here we're here, oh my god. My heart is beating so fast." I assumed Vivian decided to drop whatever was bugging her and put on a huge smile.

"That's normal. Ah, I'm so proud of you. Now let's go in!"

We walk out of the car, with Vivian holding her keys and with me just holding a bag. All my stuff was shipped to Vivian's apartment earlier this week.

"I swear to god, these gates are so hard to open." I chucked watching her fumble with the key. After 5 more tries, Vivian finally opens the door and we step into the hallway.

"I'm gonna start bringing out some of your things. You just take a look at your apartment... and your roommate." Her voice trailed off at the end and I stated to think. Was my roommate going to be a bitch or something? I shrugged it off and remembered that I didn't really care.

I start to walk towards my door which is literally 4 ft from Vivian's. I slowly open the door and take a step inside. I put my bag down and walk inside the living room. Hm, this girl has a nice style in decor. Then she met be creative, creative people are nice, right? I see a photo frame lying on the side table near the sofa. I pick it up and smile.

Is this a baby brother? Better not be a son. Oh whatever, he's adorable.

"He's cute, right?"

I stop myself from dropping the frame that was in my hands and put it back on the small table. That voice, it- it belonged to a guy. I slowly turned my head around and met eyes with the quite attractive man standing in front of me.

"That's me, by the way." He starts to walk towards me and continues, "I'm Jungkook."

I started to put the puzzle pieces together, even though it seemed like none of them fit, and asked him whatever question that seemed to come up to my confused mind.

"You- you're my roommate?" I asked with my voice trembling as I spoke.

Before he could respond, Vivian walks in holding a box. By the looks of her face, she looks alarmed and nervous at the same time.

"So, you've met your roommate?"


oh my god, has she? yes tf im the author i should know this

this chapter is actually a revision of the original, that was a HOT MESS in my opinion not gonna lie

so who's ever reading this

hello :)

you're my roommate? | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now