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i don't think i mentioned this last chapter but this book has 3K reads ! thank you ^^

edit : 4K now oops but again thank you

edit : 4K now oops but again thank you

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point of view : sua

"So I've thought of a way to make up for forgetting my date with Jiyoon." Jungkook said not looking up from his plate. He seemed quiet from last night, and I could tell why. He was guilty. I made Jeon Jungkook feel guilty. Never would I think that would ever happen, but it did. I smiled at the thought before responding.

"Oh really? What is it?" I asked curious of what he had come up with.

"I'm gonna go on another date with Jiyoon. But you and Jimin are coming along." I almost choked on my orange juice. Why was he including me?

"I never agreed to that." I told him and he just stuck out his tongue like a four year old before replying.

"Didn't I say I was going to help you? Well, here you go. A date with the man of your dreams." He exaggerated but I wasn't having any of it. Instead I sighed loudly because although Jimin is my crush, I wasn't ready to go out with him. Heck, I couldn't even look at him without dying inside.

"And relax, he doesn't even know it's a date. He thinks we're all just hanging out because we're celebrating the good score I got on the test. You were supposed to come, remember? But he did look slightly happier when I said you were coming." Jungkook added.

I figured that he was just glad that he wouldn't be a third wheel. Which was understandable, but I felt more at ease when I heard that he wasn't exactly considering it a date. It made it less nerve-racking? I don't know.

"Can Vivian come?" I asked thinking that having her at my side would make things easier. Then I remembered, Vivian doesn't know I like him! How could I have Jungkook and Taehyung know before my own best friend?

"I was actually going to ask that. Um, Taehyung was asking if you could bring her along." Aw, Taehyung really does like her- wait, how is she supposed to help me if she has Taehyung flirting with her the whole night? I would just have to let him know not to be all over her, Vivian wouldn't like that anyway.

"Okay I'll make sure to let her know."


It was at this moment that I realized I haven't actually been to Vivian's apartment before. Maybe a few times where I got a quick glance, but never an actual good look at the place. Nevertheless, I still knocked on the door waiting for her to open.

"Hi Sua. What did you need? Come inside though." Vivian greeted and I stepped inside. The apartment smelled of perfume, lots of it. She does live with another female, oh how lucky. I couldn't relate.

"Yeah I just wanted to tell you something. It's kinda important." I told her and Vivian sat down on her couch, and I sat down next to her. She often sat down when hearing something serious, but I was never really sure why. "So I wanted to tell you this earlier, but I guess I just never got to it."

Vivian nodded with a serious expression. My next sentence came out as almost a whisper.

"I um, like someone."

Her eyes jolted open and she immediately started squealing. "Aw, who is it? You haven't liked someone in such a long time, so I don't really have on idea on who. Unless, it's Jungkook."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Why him?" I wondered if Vivian was just teasing me, but she didn't look like she was joking.

"Well, you live with him so, he's the best guess I have." I guess I couldn't really get mad since I would probably think the same thing in her position. I shake my head.

"It's not him. It's um, Jimin." I said his name as quiet as possible and saw a growing smile on my best friend's lips.

"Did you like him all this time? Or just again recently." She asked as she playfully poked my shoulder.

"Recently. But uh, I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who knows." She titled her head, "Who else?"

I answered without hesitation, "Jungkook and Taehyung." I expected her to start scolding me, but to my surprise she started laughing.

"So how did they find out? There's no way you purposely wanted to tell them." I was relieved that she understood the situation, well partly. Taehyung was never supposed to know, but I clearly remember telling Jungkook. He was just staring at me, but his eyes looked like he was yelling at me to tell him.

"They kinda brought it out of me." I simply answered and she nodded. "But Jungkook has been helping me."


I sighed, "Jimin." And again she started laughing and her laughter filled the room. It also brought a smile to my lips, "Is it that dumb?"

"No, I just love how interesting this situation is. Your crush's best friend is helping you. Has he been good at it?" I wasn't really sure how to answer the question. Taehyung did absolutely nothing, and Jungkook gave me a horrible lesson on how to walk.

"I'm not exactly sure, but they did get me a date.", My eyes opened wide after I realized what I had said. "No, it's not a date but you know you're going to be there and so is Jungkook and his girlfriend, but I'm just going to keep Jimin company and yeah." I spoke quickly which gave the hint to Vivian that I was nervous.

"Why am I there? So you don't get nervous?" Vivian asked calming me down by patting my back.

"No Taehyung asked but I wouldn't mind if you helped out." She smiled and nodded. I felt a big weight off my shoulders after telling her everything and for a few minutes we just sat in silence.

"But Sua, you have to make sure of something." Vivian finally spoke after the short moment of silence. What was she talking about?

"What?" I asked.

"That you don't fall in love with Jungkook as he helps you. You never know what might happen." She teased and I shake my head.

"I doubt it."


i suck at updating and im aware of that.

but i hope you still enjoyed the chapter and thank you for anyone who's reading!

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