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Vivian: Well I didn't know it was dress like a model day.

Vivian says examining my outfit. Currently I've locked myself in my room trying to find a cardigan or a jacket that would cover up this dress.

Sua: Let's just say it's a favor for someone.

Vivian: Don't cover it up, you look nice!

Sua: No, I look like Jiyoon.

We both chuckle realizing that my outfit does look like it came directly from Jiyoon's closet. Vivian squints her eyes then comes closer to my face.

Vivian: Makeup too... Hm, this is an interesting favor from what I'm seeing.

I nod agreeing but wonder why she's not asking what it is, knowing how curious she can get.

Jungkook: Sua! I'm leaving!

Jungkook hollers from the living room then shuts the door. I get my backpack and wait a few seconds.

Sua: Okay... He's in his car now, let's go.

Vivian shakes her head realizing that I was in my bedroom to keep Jungkook from seeing what I was wearing. If he did he would probably make fun of me, right? I already know that Jiyoon and her friends won't be happy of me 'stealing their style'. I usually am just wearing a hoodie and tights most of the time, not that that's a bad thing. It's just that in my school anything that's not revealing isn't considered eye catching or tasteful.

    "Who's that?"

    "Whoever it is, it looks like she's friends with Vivian."

    "You mean that nerd?"

    "No, it can't be."

     I hear whispers from everyone around me as I walk through the hall. I'm not surprised, I was expecting this type of reaction. It seems like I'm better off ignoring them, so I just quickly get to class.

Jungkook's POV:

Jungkook: Where the hell is she?

Taehyung: Ha, Jungkook's being stood up.

Jungkook: No I'm not, she's probably on her way.

Taehyung: Yeah yeah I'm sure- who's that?

Taehyung motions his head to a girl walking towards our direction in the hall. Well she's a new face.

Jungkook: I don't know, but I think I'm going to go talk to her.

I get up from my seat and put my hands in my pocket, but a low chuckle stops me.

Jimin: Sit down, Jungkook. You're not going to get anything talking to her.

I questionably raise an eyebrow a him. I lick my lips in annoyance.

Jungkook: And why do you think that?

Jimin: Because you can't even recognize her; she's not new by the way.

Before I can open my mouth Taehyung asks for me as if he were to read my mind. (A/N bcuz VKOOK is very real)

Taehyung: Who is she?

Jimin turns off his phone that he was using, then looks at me in the eye.

Jimin: Your roommate.

He walks into the classroom behind the girl who was apparently Sua. Taehyung just looks confused.

Taehyung: But I don't have a roommate.

Jungkook: He was talking about me.

Taehyung's mouth curves into an "o" due to realization and I chuckle at my friend's slight stupidity. But was that really her? My tutor-roommate that I barely talk to?

Wait I remember, we did talk yesterday.

My mouth curves into a smile when I remember what happened. I sigh then push my red beanie up and get to class.


       Hehe red. I missed you guys :) I've been getting a lot of support on this book and its motivating me to write. But honestly thank you just for reading. See you next chapter


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