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point of view : sua [may contain errors]

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point of view : sua [may contain errors]

"W-what?" Jungkook stood there without making a single move and I chuckled as I took a step back.

"I'm kidding." I laughed to cover up the heat rising up my cheeks. What was I thinking, pulling a move like that? "So when are we leaving?" I asked putting myself back together.

"Tomorrow evening. A few hours after school ends. You should start packing." Jungkook spoke to me and I was glad that things were starting to feel normal again. Jimin was only my friend now, so I could still talk to him and hang out with him normally. Break was about to start and I was going to be at a resort for a wedding. Not how I spend the usual vacation but I had no problem doing so.

"I'm going to tell Vivian, and can you check on the oven? I was baking cookies earlier." He nodded and walked over to the kitchen and I took time to analyze his back. He's so tall? I shook off the thought before waking into the hallway and going to knock on Vivian's door.

That's weird, she kept it open.

I looked through the small opening of the door and found Taehyung and Vivian- kissing? She seems busy. I held in my laugh as I quietly closed the door and walked back. I figured I would text her later.


"Hm you guys look weirdly closer today." I told the pair who I assumed were dating now. It was Friday and we were at school, in about an hour school was to end and a few hours  after that I would be on a plane to Jeju Island.

"You told her?" Taehyung asked Vivian who just playfully rolled her eyes.

"No, Taehyung. It's not like we're best friends or anything." Vivian spoke sarcastically and I stood there smiling. They bickered like a married couple.

"Aw, this is cute. Oh and Taehyung? You break her heart I break something of yours as well." I playfully threaten the boy who laughs but seems slightly alarmed.

"He wouldn't do that to someone older than him." I heard a voice behind me say and I turned around to find Jimin leaning on the locker beside mine. We met eyes and he only smiled and waved at me. I smiled back and felt my heart beat returning to a normal pace. Surprisingly, this didn't feel so awkward.

"I knew it! That's why you didn't want to tell me your birthday." Vivian exclaimed while nudging Taehyung's arm.

"Listen, everyone, is older than me except for Jungkook. And he isn't so respectful." Taehyung explained and Vivian nodded. "I have to go early or else I won't get the window seat. Bye." He kisses Vivian on the cheek before rushing to class. Jimin and I both raise our brows up as Vivian tries to conceal her rosy cheeks.

"I'll see you at class. Remember to text me when you're out of school, I want to spend any time with you before you're on your flight." Vivian says slowly following after Taehyung leaving Jimin and I alone. He cleared his throat before sending me a charming smile.

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