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Vivian: So how was it?

I look up from the book I was reading to see Vivian standing in front of me. I assume she's talking about tutoring with Jungkook, and she isn't getting a positive answer.

Sua: Well...

I groan and lightly bang my head on my locker that I was leaning on. Vivian chuckles when she sees my response.

Vivian: That bad, huh?

Sua: Maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit, but I guess it could've been better. The feeling in the room wasn't the brightest.

Vivian: I thought you two were cool?

I honestly don't have words to describe the relationship that Jungkook and I have.

Sua: I don't know. Some days we're okay, but it's usually when we don't talk. But I decided that I really don't care if he warms up to me or not. It's his fault for being so harsh.

Vivian nods her head in agreement and opens her mouth to say something, but closes it when she hears loud voices a few feet away.

"Is it true?"

"But they broke up like three months ago."

"Who cares, I'm pretty sure they're together now."

Oh look, another new relationship. And from the chattering that's happening, I can tell it's some popular couple.

Jiyoon: How does everyone already know? Oh well, it's not like I mind.

     So it's Jiyoon that everyone's been talking about. She is one of the most popular girls in this school. I wonder who her boyfriend is.

Jungkook: Hi (wink)

Jiyoon: Jungkook!

     They both laugh together but Vivian and I can't seem to hold in ours. The way they act with each other looks too dumb to be true. Especially with Taehyung and Jimin just standing awkwardly in the background.

Sua: And of course it's my roommate that's the hot topic.

Vivian: Yeah and then there's mine who's on the math team. I have to go, see you later.

Sua: But I used to be on the math team... Whatever.

     I close up my locker and look at the clock nearby to see the time, but my eyes meet Jungkook's instead. Was he staring at me this whole time? Probably not, he's with his girlfriend. He whispers something to Jimim which causes Jimin to walk over to me, but Jiyoon doesn't seem to notice.

Jimin: Jungkook says he might be late today.

Sua: And why couldn't he deliver that himself? He's literally like 6 feet away.

      Jimin pretends to think to himself then laughs.

Jimin: I honestly don't know.

Sua; Well tell Jungkook okay, but no later than 9.

      Jimin nods then walks back. I shudder from how jittery I actually felt becuase of how good looking he is. I did have a crush on him before, so it was probably some old lingering feelings.

you're my roommate? | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now