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point of view : author

Taehyung paced back and forth as he tried practicing what he was going to say to Jungkook. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Jungkook, I like Vivian and... I hope your happy?" That doesn't even make sense. Taehyung thought as he mentally smacked himself.

Jungkook wasn't dating Vivian, but Taehyung always knew that his younger friend had a small soft spot for her. Being Jungkook's hyung, he felt that telling Jungkook was the most appropriate thing to do.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?And how'd you get in?" Jungkook asks as he comes into his room, returning from working out at the gym.

"Sua let me in, I just had to tell you something really quick." Jungkook nods before opening up his water bottle and taking a few sips from it. "So um. You know your friend Vivian?" Taehyung starts off.

"Yeah, you like her right?" Jungkook asks with a slight smile but Taehyung seems to ignore what he says before actually processing it.

"I've kinda started to have- wait what? How'd you know? Did Sua tell you? She kinda found out when she saw me staring at Vivian a few times." Jungkook shakes his head.

"I already figured it out before. I'm pretty sure Jimin knows as well. And by the way, Vivian might think so too." Jungkook says calmly but Taehyung's eyes open wide in shock. He couldn't believe that his own crush realized his feelings before he could admit it to himself.

"I think I made it a bit obvious." Taehyung admits. You think? Jungkook  wanted to respond but instead laughs to himself. "Wait, you aren't mad?" Taehyung asks curiously, having suspected earlier that Jungkook had feelings for Vivian.

"No, I don't really think of her like that anymore. Now that I live with Sua, I think my feelings for her scared off." Jungkook explains to his friend.

"Wait, so you like Sua now?" Taehyung genuinely asks without the intention of making Jungkook as flustered as he currently was.

"No, that's not what I meant. Living with her best friend made me think of Vivian as more of a friend and not a love interest. Besides, I'm dating Jiyoon." Jungkook told Taehyung truthfully. The reason to him being flustered was something even Jungkook wasn't aware of yet. "But good luck." He finishes off with a smile before Taehyung leaves.

Once his friend is gone, Jungkook hears Sua calling from outside his bedroom door. He opens his door, and is greeted by his roommate in a baggy top and tights, her style is pretty loose, Jungkook thought to himself.

"Your girlfriend is at the door. Apparently, you had a date? You don't look ready, though." Sua examines Jungkook's outfit. She could tell he went to the gym. "Why would you go to the gym right before- you forgot didn't you?"

Jungkook nods while awkwardly licking his lips. Sua sighs before speaking again. "So what do I tell her? That you're not coming?"

"Yeah, but don't tell her I forgot." Jungkook says before closing his door. Sua walked back to the main door preparing to open it and tell Jiyoon the news, but as much as she hated her bully since middle school, she still felt bad for what she was going to say.

point of view : sua

I opened the door again and was greeted by Jiyoon with a smile on her face. It immediately dropped when she saw that it wasn't Jungkook.

"Oh, it's just you. Where's Jungkook?"
Jiyoon asked. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck before answering.

"He uh, had something come up."

"He forgot again, didn't he?" Jiyoon asked with a crooked smile. I may have not liked her that much, but something about seeing her so disappointed made me feel bad. My eyes started to scan her outfit, and it really made me wonder. Was this something important? She wasn't wearing a short skirt, but instead a dress that honestly made her look more decent then usual. When I realized that I was probably staring at her for too long, I cleared my throat to get her attention again.

"No, he seriously had something important come up. Something about his mom's birthday? I wouldn't worry though Jiyoon, but you look really pretty in your dress." I told her with a smile. My voice came out as a whisper, something common that happened when I lied. Not that I lied about how she looked, I actually truly felt that way. She furrowed her eyebrows for a small moment but then made the effort to smile back weakly.

"Well, thank you anyway." She waved before leaving back to the lobby. I started to close the door and heard chuckling behind me.

"My mom's birthday? Whatever, but thanks for the cover up." Jungkook said before he sat on the couch. He watched the whole thing? What surprised me was that he still didn't feel bad. It made me want to strangle him. Without even thinking about it, I spoke.

"You know, Jungkook. I don't think getting help from you is a good idea anymore." I said with a playful tone but was intending to be more serious. He raised an eyebrow before starting to laugh.

"And why is that?"

"Well from how you treat your girlfriend, I don't think you'll be much help." I tell him trying to ignore his annoyed gaze. If I look at him I'll probably break and drop the argument, and let him win once again. He scoffed before responding back.

"Says the one that's probably been in one relationship her whole life. And why do you care so much? Don't you hate Jiyoon?" Jungkook asked with his voice more raised then normal. I rolled my eyes at his sudden attitude.

"I may not like her, but I can't help myself from feeling bad for someone."
I was tempted to raise my voice too, but refrained in case the argument took an even worse turn. My only goal was to make Jungkook realize what he did was wrong.

"If she's so upset, then I'll just break up with her." He said with his tone much more calm but his words kept the same amount of venom. This was the 'side' of Jungkook that you hated. Where he was still a dumb playboy, that treated girls like toy cars. When the wheels popped off, he wouldn't play with them anymore.

"You know Jungkook. You told me that you hate it when girls aren't genuinely happy with you and they don't like you for who you really are. Maybe they're too scared to fall for you, when they know that they'll be dropped as soon as possible. Have you ever thought of it that way?" He didn't respond but instead his looked at the ceiling before lowly chuckling.

"A lot of people have told me things like that, my friends, my sister, the girls I've dated," he paused and looked at me, "So why did it hurt the most when you said it?" Jungkook looked like he was beyond confused, which slightly made me happy, but I didn't try to show it.

"That's what I was going for." I told him with a small smile plastered on my face.

"Making me feel like the worst man alive?" I nodded before getting off the couch I also ended up sitting on.

"Good night, Jungkook."


okay im finally done writing this chapter. i was a bit stumped while writing it but pulled through in the end. i also wanted to tie an end to the whole does 'jungkook like vivian or...?' thing. but i still hope you enjoyed the chapter 😌

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