26 (end)

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i swear i read through and checked for errors but if there is any, sorry! i was just so excited to post this :)

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i swear i read through and checked for errors but if there is any, sorry! i was just so excited to post this :)

point of view : author

Sua woke up after hearing shouting and ruckus in the hallway.

"Why did you order an ice sculpture?!"

"I felt that it was necessary!"

"Are these cupcakes too small?"

"I don't care, keep them refrigerated."

Ah, the morning of a wedding. Where no one can be relaxed or calm. Sua could definitely relate to this on this certain morning, but for a completely different reason.

First, she awoke peacefully but sort of confused as to why she chose to sleep on the loveseat instead of the much more comfortable bed. Then, she found her phone in her hands, and checked her notifications to find a text from Vivian.

I can't wait!

I can picture our seven year old selves making our oath to becoming roommates one day and look at us now

And that was when she remembered.

"Now I have a headache." Sua pressed her temples as the memories of last night came flooding to her head.

"Do you want tea or something?"

She turned around to find Jungkook leaning on the door frame. He was wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants as well, his hair a ruffled mess. It looked like Jungkook had just woken up as well, but he didn't wake up Sua because he wanted her to rest.

Of course he decides to be sweet this morning, that's so helpful.

Sua thought as she smiled at Jungkook for his offer.

"No I always get them in the morning, but they wear off."

He nodded and walked inside the room, grabbing the hair brush on the nightstand as he tamed his hair.

"You fell asleep on there, and I didn't know if you were comfortable with me carrying you to the bed." Jungkook casually said, while Sua somehow tried to hide her cheeks that started to heat up.

"No, it's fine, this is really cozy actually. Wish we had one for our apartment." Sua said and felt extremely guilty saying the last sentence. How could she talk about the apartment and leave out the part that she was moving out of it?

you're my roommate? | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now