WH 3

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Then around lunch time to work off all that food I would shift to wolf and run till I saw mountains. I had been running around the woods for about two hours when I started to feel uneasy. Wolf sniffed the air and went silent, she wasn’t sure either. We walked as though we were stalking prey, slowly making are way up a small embankment. As we reached the top another snapping sound.

    She growled as quietly as a 250lb wolf could. The silence raised the hair on our back side. Looking behind always made me think of scary movies and I hated them. But like any stupid white chick we looked behind to see what was there…..nothing. Sighs then turning back to start walking again, and there he was. At least 300lbs of pure alpha male muscle, red and tan fur streaked across his body. Huge white paws held a even bigger frame. If I had taken another step we would have been nose to nose. He stood there for a moment, without even so much as a blinking of the eyes.

    Then without warning he sat down, this was a non-threatening posture for wolves. His way of saying I’m not going to kill, mate or play with you. Golden blue eyes looked back at me, I still hadn’t moved and really didn’t want to. Wolf hadn’t decided if she wanted to growl at him or just run like hell. This was the first time I had seen another wolf before. So needless to say it was a huge shock to my system when an alpha was sitting no more then a foot away from me.

    “What are you doing?” His wolf voice was deep and a little scary. My wolf reminded me to keep it simple and short, no reason to let him know what were doing. “Nothing” It came out much quicker then I would have hoped for, and he caught the scared tone in it as well. “Really? Then why haven’t you sat down yet?” again wolf reminded me to keep it short and to stay calm. “Because I don’t want to sit.” I replied a little less scared and more cocky. I couldn’t do normal right now it just wasn’t going to happen.

    What sounded like a laugh came from him, and it made me more uncomfortable. “What’s so funny?” I shouldn’t of asked that’s another horror movie death trap. “Nothing really, do you know where you are?” It was like he was setting me up, I thought about the question for a minute then answered. “The woods!” Smartass answers didn’t always work but I was already pass the point of calm and collected. “True, but your in my woods……where is your mate?” The question I didn’t want to answer.

    Wolf growled, it was to personal for her. His ears twitched from side to side, and a tail smacking the ground every so often didn’t help any. “That’s really none of your businesses, now is it?” I started to get feeling back in my legs and moved backwards nice and slow like. I was about to turn around when I caught sight of another wolf laying down in the brush, just about twenty feet away. Then another one on the other side standing with his head lowered. ‘Aww crap’ there’s more than one, should of known that was gunna happen. The alpha didn’t make any motion for his pack to move or do anything for that matter, instead he came up behind me.

    In a panic mode I swung around and bit him on the neck. His pack freaked out and began to come closer and faster, but within seconds he called them to stand down. I had my mouth around his throat, and was to scared to let go. I could stand here with my teeth pressed against his flesh, or I could let go and have his pack rip me limb from limb. ‘Ohh what a good day for me!’ I was screaming at myself inside, and wolf was starting to shake. His whined under my mouth and slowly started to talk to me again. “If you let go, they will not hurt you.” I rolled my eyes, yea ok! “Bullshit!” I screamed he whined a little more. “I give you my word, they will not move a muscle.”

    My jaw started to cramp and at this point I really didn’t have much of a choice. I slowly let go of his neck watching the wolves around me, who by the way were within slashing reach. He stood up to his full height again, and I remembered why I didn’t want to let go. I swallowed what felt like a soft ball rock, and waited for him to call the kill order. It never came, instead he had them move away from me. “Forgive me, I should of known better then to come up so quickly…..what’s your name?” I must of looked dumb standing there with my mouth open and my body shaking. “Wolf” I said quietly, trying to steady my breathing. “Wolf! Your name is what you are?” He seemed a little put off by my answer. “I don’t know what else to tell you, but I need to be going now.”

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