WH 22

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Taking a step forward mother grabs my arm, shaking her head while watching the fight. My hands are in fists as I hold them to my heart, tears begin to well in my eyes as I think about all the stupid things I put the poor bastard through. Yet he still wants me, even though he could get himself killed. Another scream of pain, followed by another. Their simply toying with him now, taking little piece by little piece out. He’s only manages to get a few bites in, before the other one would attack causing him to let go.

    More rain soaks into their furs, as the yellow hot lighting flashes in my eyes. Salim isn’t moving anymore, he’s completely still in the mud. His red fur even redder then before, his low whines are enough to send me into a fit of tears. My father is still standing on the safety of his porch, when his words reach me.
    “I did this for you” The thunder roars over my head, as I turn to see him.
    “No, you didn’t. You didn’t for the name, and for that I hate you” His eyes glow as another crack of lightening fills the sky.
    “Edon dear” My mother says keeping her voice as low as she can. Turning back around to her, I nod that I have heard her.
    “Heed my words, now is the time” She shoves me out from under the umbrella, as I look to John.

    “Do as you are told child, or risk loosing everything” Her stern face, isn’t giving me anything. My head turns to Salim, who is trying his very best to get back up, while Travis and Rein are fighting. Wolf echoes in my head, begging me to go to him. Letting my feet hit the muddy earth, it sprays dirt all over my blue jeans. Dropping to my knees I hold his head, his eyes are pale along with his coat. The blood has already spread to the grass around him, he’s cold to my touch which only seemed to crack me more.

    “Salim, its alright” He whines, protesting my words. Pushing my face into his neck, I smell him. His wonderful smell is fading away faster then I can count, only to leave my side and never return. Soaking the fur on his neck, my tears aren’t stopping not for anyone.
    “Edon now” My mother growls, as the wind shifts heading to me. Lifting my head I see her mouth, as she bites down hard on her own teeth. Fluttering the water off my lashes, I remember our little talk in this exact field.

***Yesterday Talk with Mother***

Standing in the field with mother, as she takes in a long breath. Her eyes are closed, while she quietly hums a soft tune. One I have heard many times, as a child. Its melody is soft and sweet, like her at times.
    “Mother?” Hoping she’ll get to her point. Her eyes open showing me more of her then ever before.
    “Edon my dear, I think its high time we talked about Salim” Biting my lip, I fear my father has gotten to her as well. He has convinced my mother Salim is not good for me, and she will try her damn nest to make me see their light.
    “Mother I love Salim”

    “Yes dear I already knew that.” Sighing she takes my hands in hers.
    “I am not going to tell you not to love the man, nor will I tell you to leave his side. But I choose Salim for a reason, not just to protect you from his brother” My ears twitch with the newest of news as I cock my head to the side.

    “Salim is very unique he is unlike any other wolf male I have seen, he was adopted as a small pup and raised well. But his real parents aren’t like other wolves” She gives me time to think her words over, as I nod letting her go on.
    “What is Salim mother?”
    “He is a full blooded Alpha Edon” My eyes roll.
    “Mother I already knew that”
    “No dear, you don’t. Salim is in fact an Alpha, but both his parents were Alpha’s. So he is the same rank as your father” The air to my lungs ceases no more, as I stair at her likes she’s lost of F*ing mind.

    “Edon, a long time ago a pair of Alpha’s were mated. They wanted a strong pack, but they were two strong headed for each other. Before they were attacked a baby boy was born, his mother handed him off to her nurse before returning to battle. That baby is Salim”

A gust of wind grabs my pony, before dropping it back down again. Every word she has spoken, replays again and again. Is she messing with me, or just gone bat crazy? Squeezing my hands, she smiles reassuring me.
    “How do you know this?” Her face seems to of taken a turn for the worst.
    “Because dear, your father is the one who attacked his parents” My hands retract at the suddenness of what she is implying.

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