WH 7

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It took way to long, getting back to the cabin. Parked out front was two cop cars, taking the hunter away. Roy was speaking with one of them. An ambulance was just pulling up.

    “I thought I said I was fine Roy” Glaring at him, and taking a quick look at the ambulance.

    “You need it looked at, at least” Almost begging me.

    “God you’re a pain.” Tossing him the keys to the bike, while taking a seat for the medics to look at my shoulder. The bullet had already popped out, and they seemed confused by this.

    “I pulled it out” Trying to give them a reason.

    “That’s dangerous, you could tare tissue or worse” One side.

    “I’m not worried about it” Rolling my eyes, looking away. He seemed annoyed by my lack of care towards my body, if he only new. Bandaging me up, and giving me a pain killer. It was pointless, human pain killers didn’t do squat for me. Filling out the rest of my report, I told the cops I would fax it to them. Driving away, Roy stared at me.

    “What?” Huffing while pulling the door open. Following me inside, the comfortable room I had another cup of coffee.

    “You should of gone to the hospital” Folding arms over his wide chest.

    “And you should let it go” Dropping the four sugars.

    “You got that right” The Alpha chimed in, walking through the door.

    “What are you doing here?” Glaring daggers into his heart, hoping the force would work outside of the movies.

    “I’m friends with one of the local cops, he said you got shot. So I thought I would drive you home” Grinning. Clever Alpha.

    “No thank you” Sticking my nose up at him.

    “Edon, please let him take you home” Roy pleaded, giving me sad old man eyes. Growling I hate when he gives me that look.

    “Fine, if it will shut the both of you up” Roy smiled, and looked at Salim.

    “Take care of her”

    “Of course” Grinning cause he won. Grabbing my bag, walking out after leaving the mug in the sink. My feet stopped when my eyes graced the steel grey BMW x5.

Almost bumping into me, a low chuckle makes me blush.

    “You approve?” Leaning in so his breath tickles my ear. Huffing walking the rest of the way to the car. It beeps signaling its unlocked, opening the passenger door. The doors close, as he starts the engine. Defiantly doesn’t sound like my beat up old truck. Backing out, he drives like an old guy.

    “Someone has money” Leaning on the door looking out.

    “Is that bad?” A little confused be my tone.

    “No, just making an observation”  Twisting and turning down the long gravel path, till it cuts to hard dirt.


Her smell is mouth watering, having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road. She seems annoyed, and its making my wolf uneasy. He wants her to smile, and be carefree like last night. I didn’t mean to cause her any trouble, but having a gun pointed at her; was more then wolf and I could handle. We are to protect her, never thinking her job was dangerous. This is proving to be harder then I thought.

    When her mother asked me to look out for her, I didn’t think it was going to be a full time job. However I can’t get her out of my mind. The little moments when I get to see or smell her, relaxes me completely. Putting wolf at ease.  This would be so much easier, if she was living in my house. Hummm. Having her to wake up to every morning, seeing her go to bed down the hall every night…doesn’t sound to bad.

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