WH 23

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“Edon what are you going to do?” John asks, as his hand catches her face in the frame.
    “John its not like it’s a hard decision” Her body leaning against a tree.
    “Fine humor me” The video shakes, as he moves.
    “I’m going to wake him up.” Shrugging her shoulders, my throat catches at the sad expression on her face.

    “He may not want you, when he finds out.” John growls.
    “That’s his choice, he has the right to know who he really is. Father should of never done that, I’m glad mom took me away. It makes sense why we never staid in one place for to long, I wont have Salim turn out like me. He’s better then that” He voice lowers, at the end causing my chest to tighten.
    “So your fine with him rejecting you” Her eyes never lift, as she nods her head. The video cuts off, going black as I drop it to the floor. Cracking with the lightening that is slowly, moving away from the house.

What have I done……

Running out the back door, I head for the woods finding her clothes torn to pieces. Grabbing one I sniff it, as her scent is already lost from the wet fabric. Becoming frantic I run into the woods, the speed I have now has increased. Screaming her name, I beg for her to be close by.
    “EDON!!” nothing not a sound stirs, as I run in a different direction calling for again repeatedly.

I can’t loose her, she is mine now….

Spinning in circles I have no idea, where to look or to go. All this rain is making her smell disappear like she was never here to begin with. She changed me knowing I wouldn’t be the same, knowing I could reject her. Why….

    “EEEEDDDDOOONNNN” My fists collides with a tree, cracking the trunk.


I have effectually hidden myself, yet again. Everything from my name, birthday, age, social number and even they way I look has been changed, in order to keep out of his line of sight. I’ve moved all my money into a new account off shore, and moved clear across the states. Renting a loft in the city, is wear I now hang my hat per say. If I need to make a call I use a pay phone, or a prepaid cell that I toss right afterwards. My hair is now red and my green eyes have contacts that make them brown.

    In the mists of everything, I have lost it all. Without the comfort of my family, I feel utterly alone.  To pass the time I’ve gotten a job, working as a bartender. The pay sucks, but then again I’m not working for the money. Witch hazel helps mask my scent from other wolves, that just might be passing through. Clearing the counter off, while adding another bucket of ice to the cooler.
    “Jenny you alright?” My boss asks. He’s a sweet older man, with a heart of gold. Jenny seemed fitting, since it was something I would never use.

    “Yes, thanks” Nodding as I take the empty bucket into the back room. The rainy weather isn’t helping my mood, it’s a sickening reminder of that day. His eyes so dark and full of angry, the words he spoke….will never leave me. Pushing my deep red hair out of the way, I grab a dry cloth heading back out before the midnight crowed picks up. I’ve spent over a week here, cleaning the bar and pouring drinks. Watching as men play pool, and drink till they can’t stand.
    Woman come in here to find themselves a good man, truth be told there is no such thing in a place like this. This isn’t were good men come, its where the lonely and heart broken come. A fitting place for me, I’d say. Another swipe around the counter, as a group of men comes in for their nightly drink off.

    “A round of beers, little lady” The darker one of the group bellows.
    “Sure thing” Grabbing a pitcher, filling it with the piss yellow delight. Setting it on the counter, they hand over a card to start a tab. Gunna be one of those nights, punching in the card numbers as I start them with a tab. Around 2am they check out, paying their bill before stumbling out happier then ever. Clearing my counter, I take the trash out before boss tells me to head on home. Clicking out I grab my jacket, before making sure my keys are still in the pocket. I don’t use the door to my place, it gives people an idea where I live. Instead I go down the back alley, jumping to the fire escape. Then its just a matter of walking to the top floor, before pushing my window open.
    Dropping my jacket on a chair, I close the window. The light flicks on, as I see John sitting on my bed. There wasn’t a need to get a lot of furniture, so I opt for a bed, chair, nightstand and a tv.
    “What do you want John. I said I’d call” Heading into my tiny kitchen.

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