WH 17

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“Hah, your so fucking stupid. Even if you do kill me, I still win” Pulling on the chains, as I leaned closer to him. He of course took a step back, leading a small trail of blood.

    “Your fucking crazy” A wolf whispered, but we have impeccable hearing so…yea.
    “Crazy he says, you ain’t seen nothing” Sneering in his direction. They all stood their, having what I was guessing is a private conversation. Stupid mind link bullshit. Cain starts smirking, as he lowers his body down to pick up a crow bar. Growling at him, I know he’s not going to be using that to open a lock. His arm extends before the first of many blows, racks my ribs. Screaming as he hits my hip, then my arm. Blow after blow, I’m thankful he’s only got one arm swinging as he refuses to drop the other from his ear.

    The folk at the end, cuts my skin like a knife to butter. A long five minutes passes as, my skin is covered in multiple bruises and cuts. Panting he slides the bar across the floor, making a ringing sound in my ears. I must have diarrhea of the mouth, as I want to slap my own self for saying the next words.

    “You hit like a girl” His eyes turn black, pivoting on his boots. The bar is picked back up again, as if it didn’t weigh a thing. Stomping to me, he sends another five ram shaking blows to every part of my body. Flipping the crow bar in his hands, he grins.

    “Time to die” Gripping it as it hits his palm. I sigh thankful he didn’t get to fuck me, and I will finally be left alone. His hand comes up ready to push the bar across my face, which will crack my skull. The room shakes with a force I have never heard in my life, its deadly sound has other males lowering their heads. Two males dressed in just jeans, come forward. Salim and his Beta, snarl glaring over a higher point in the building. Cain’s pack growl back, as some shift. Salim takes one look at me, and he’s shaking violently. His eyes turn to Cain who’s still in mid swing, aiming for my head. Its more then Salim can take, as his eyes turn a pitch black.

    Launching off the platform, lunging for Cain his Beta taking on the rest. Watching as Salim turns evil, punching Cain in the face and stomach. Ripping the crow bar out of his hands, flinging it into another wolfs head killing him instantly. His Beta ripping limbs, as he grabs another by the throat. Salim has grabbed Cain by the throat, roaring in his face.

    “MY MATE!” He roars, causing my body to shutter with delight. Pinning him to a wall, using his other hand to punch what’s left of his face. Blood staining everything from his bare chest, to the walls. Tossing his brother’s body like a rag doll, into another dead pack member. More wolves show up, taking on what the Beta hasn’t. Salim off to the side of me, breathing heavily as he turns his eyes on me. Biting my lip as the mere sight of him, is turning my heat into a blaze.

    In a flash his hands are on my skin, there hot but cool at the same time. Pulling the shirt down, to cover me he moves the collar of the shirt. Checking both sides, once he’s seen both he breaths out. Letting his hot breath tickle my nose, and do wonders for my insides. Pulling out some kind of pocket knife, he messes with the locks on my legs. Then moves to the arms, holding me with one arm wrapped around my waist. As the last lock opens, releasing my arm I fall into his arms. My body weak from the restrains and beatings.
    “Mine…all mine” He whispers, pushing his head into my hair. Something takes over my body, as I start to black out. His soft words, and the way he cradles me rock me faster into the darkness.
    “My mate, only mine….forever” Was the last thing I hear, as all light vanishes.


My cell started buzzing, as I sat in Edon’s mother living room. I had returned that night, I left her with the Alpha. Her mother wasn’t pleased with me, however she was glad I called the Alpha to watch over her. Now sitting here, with nothing to do I pick up my cell. It’s a text, from an unknown number.
    Flipping it open, my eyes widen as I jump off the couch. Instead of driving the distance to the Alpha’s place, I simply think of it and appear. I end up scaring the shit out of a wolf, who looks like a enforcer.

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