WH 6

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    “I have a fake”
    “What?” Half popping my top.
    “You know a fake ID”
    “I know what a fake is, how’d you get one?”
    “Guy in NY, cost me a pretty penny.” Rolling those tropical eyes.
    “You could of waited till you were of age” Dropping the cap on her coffee table.
    “And miss all my drunken filled nights…never” Chuckling.
    “Have you even ever been drunk before?” Leaning my arm over the back part of the couch.
    “Ummm can’t remember” Chuckling.
    “Cute!” Swinging.

Not wanting to leave her, incase Cain tried again; my eyes closed as if I had drifted off. Feeling her eyes on me, made it that much harder not to twitch. Sighing she muttered     “Light weight” Is she seriously thinking I feel asleep after two beers. This better be worth it, cause I am not a light weight. The couch shifted, something warm was placed on my legs and chest. Hearing the front door close and lock, her footsteps trailed into the kitchen dropping off the bowl and bottles. Then they moved down the hallway, where a light flicked on. She used the bathroom, then came back out turning the tv off.

    Another walk down the hall, before her bedroom light was turned on. Things started lightly dropping on the ground, opening one eye. It widened as I caught a glimpse of her naked body bouncing off of a mirror. Stunning olive skin covered every inch of her. Long legs, a firm ass which was hidden away with those baggy shorts. Black hair draping down all over her back, licking my lips as she slowly turned around.

    Breasts big enough to fill more then handfuls, rising her arms twisting her hair into a long braid; showing off a paintbrush stoke birthmark under her left breast. Holding my breath, as to not make a sound. Closing her door halfway, the light turns off. The bed makes a few sounds, before complete silence takes over her small house.

If I said her couch was comfortable it would be an understatement. It seemed to hug you, giving the support you wanted from a mate. Not realizing she was already up and out the door, the sound of a un-maintained pickup roared to life. Sitting up way to fast, only to hold my head. That’s were I found a post-it stuck to my forehead. Really? She stuck a post-it to my head. Pulling it off, reading her very curvy handwriting.

    “Alpha, coffee is made. Breakfast is at your house. I’m going to work, only telling you cause you’re my new guard dog”

“Guard dog?” Saying it out loud. I am no ones guard dog, that entitles a collar and chain. Sighing making my way to the coffee pot. Sure enough hot coffee filled my nose, pouring it into the many interesting mugs she had. Picking a mug that looked like a cowboy with practically nothing on. Opening the screen door, smelling the fresh air. Birds floated by, while her hummingbird feeder was bringing in a ton of fast colored, heart stopping winged birds.
    Squeaking at one another, trying to get the best spot. Chuckling if they only knew they feeders were all the same. She certainly had plenty of wildlife around, and they didn’t seemed fazed by her smell wafting around.


Pulling into my parking spot, killing the engine. Hitting my head on the back rest. Needing a new truck was a deft, I highly doubt this one will make the winter were going to have. Pulling the handle, my feet hit the gravel. Slamming the door shut, cause that’s the only way it will fully close; I head inside. Dropping my bag on the only empty desk, I see Roy.
    “Morning Edon” He’s in his prime, but man can that man shot.
    “Morning” Making a fresh pot of coffee, I wait for it to fill.

    “No coffee this morning?” Rising his puffy black eyebrow.
    “No, was running late” Like I was really going to tell him, I had an Alpha sleeping on my couch. Tapping a finger on the ever discolored counter, I let out another sigh.
    “You got the 4section today” Handing me a piece of paper.
    “Okay” Looking over the paper. We had a total of 7 sections. It was easier then, trying to tell the other workers where to look. At least with the different sections we could narrow it down.
    “John has 3, and I have 6”

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