Poor Little Dragon Slayer

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I woke up, which was a surprise in itself.  I was in a strange room but for the first time in days I wasn’t running.

I sat up looking around and spotted a familiar jacket hanging over a chair next to my bed. As I climbed out of bed I noticed bandage’s wrapped around my arms and waist, I suppose I was pretty banged up judging by the pain radiating from my side. 

I ignored it though I was just thankful I was alive. I balled my hands into fists, I was weak. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here right now. Someone has dressed me in shorts and sports bra I suppose to avoid my injuries so on my way out I grabbed one of my loose button shirts slipping it over top.

Some one has also done my laundry, handy. I had a brief flash of Laxus doing laundry and had a small giggle at the thought. I followed the hallway until I reached a reception.

“Excuse me have you seen a big guy, blonde, lightening scar over one eye?”

I asked the lady behind the counter filling her nails. She looked up at me and almost jumped out of her skin as she let out a small squeal.

“Oh you’re awake he’ll be pleased.” She said once she calmed down.

“Where is he?” I asked again
She pointed down another hallway

“Last door on the left sweetheart”

As I walked to where she’d instructed I read a sign saying “private baths” at least I don’t have to worry about running into anyone else. I slipped through the door quietly and just stood there.

He had his back to me and I felt like a creeper just watching him but he was so beautiful to look at sometimes it just took my breath away. I suddenly felt a ton of different emotions well up inside me, this man saved my life.

I walked over and sat behind him with my feet in the water and wrapped my arms around him. I couldn’t cry but just buried my face into his back in a comforting way more for myself. It was very inappropriate but I didn’t care, I could’ve been dead right now but I wasn’t.

“Can you hand me my shorts.” He asked quietly in his deep husky voice.

I blushed a little realising of course he didn’t have plants on, he was having a bath and I just walked in and interrupted. I picked up his pants and handed them to him turning around to give him privacy.

“I’m sorry Laxus I’ll leave you be, see you in the morning” I said walking away.

I felt a little silly. Just because he saved me didn’t mean anything had changed. The master had probably asked him to come find me.
A muscular arm snaked around my waist and grunted a little as pain flared up but again I ignored it as I was lifted into the air and lowered into the hot water.

It felt amazing on my aching body and when I finally got my head around what had happened I realised I was sitting on Laxus' lap. I looked at him horrified at our position.

I mean I enjoyed it immensely but it was even more inappropriate than what we were doing before and I blushed a beet red. But he didn’t even seem fazed as he lay back with his eyes closed.

“Geez how many women have you done this with for you to be so casual about it.” I grumbled

His hand move up and covered my mouth

“Shh. You’re ruining the moment.”
I slapped his hand away how dare he!

“YOU shh. You big perverted oaf!” I snapped.

He peeked over at me with one eye and  smirked

“There’s my little minx.”

His face suddenly softened as he reached his hand back up to stroke my cheek.

“You had me worried there kid” 

The feeling felt so familiar and then I had a flash back to that night. I was falling, I was ready to give up and be taken by oblivion but I was saved by a beautiful blonde god who touched me the same way. I felt my eyes well but I refused to cry, I promised a long time ago I was done with tears. I'd cried enough that I’d never need to cry again.

I took a deep breath to calm my emotions and sighed

“So what do we do now?”  I asked.

“Well if you’re feeling up to it we can leave tomorrow?” he suggested.

I looked back into his grey eyes that always seemed to capture me and drag me into their depths.

“Actually Laxus can we go home now?” I said quietly.

I wanted more than anything to be home with my friends. I watched him access me to see if I was alright and I must have checked out because he nodded simply and stood holding out a hand to help me out.

We dressed (in separate rooms) and left heading for the next town, although the way we were headed was not the quickest way home.

“Where are we going?” I asked puzzled

“I’m not having you walk all the way so we’re taking a train” he said casually but sternly.

As we neared the station I noticed he was getting a bit nervous. It was the most subtle change but I noticed immediately. I grabbed his arm stopping him in place.

“Hey are you alright?” I said concerned

He fidgeted trying not to look me in the eye like he didn’t want to tell me what the problem was.

“Look if you don’t tell me I’m not getting on that train” I said stubbornly

He gave me the slightest look of defiance before he let out a deep breath.

“Fine. I.. I get motion sickness. It’s dragon slayer thing.  But I swear if you tell anyone especially that fire rat Natsu I’ll gut you and bury you behind the guild hall”

Of course he was joking, his face was bright red and I just couldn’t help myself when I burst out laughing in the middle of the street. I hunched over in laughter and a bit of pain because my side was still giving me a bit of grief but it was just hilarious. When I saw his face fall a bit I stood up wiping the water from my eyes and took his hand leading him towards the train to take our seats.

“Alright Oaf I may be able to help with that.”

We came to our private cart and I ordered him to lay down. I was thankful the private rooms had larger more comfy seats otherwise Laxus never would hve fit laying down.

I went to sit on the opposite side when he grabbed me once again and pulled me down to sit so he could use my lap as a pillow. I fumbled around in my bag until I found what I as looking for. I pulled out a  leather bound bracelet with a single moonstone, holding it in my hands I blew on the stone pouring some of my magic energy into it, the stone grew warm as I slipped it around his wrist.

“What’s this” he grumbled lowly.

“Just be quiet and try and sleep, this will help” I said soothingly but sternly.

I ran my fingers through is hair playing with the golden strands whispering a small enchantment to help him sleep.

“Bring him quiet, bring him peace. Ease his dreams let illness cease.”

I chanted over and over until I could hear soft snores coming from him. I leaned back and tried to get some sleep myself to make the trip go by faster, plus I was feeling pretty exhausted.


Very rarely did I take any vehicular type of transport, insistent see the point when I just got sick and I could use my dragon slayer magic instead. But for this girl I swear I’d do anything, including taking a damn train back to the guild.

I woke up to the sound of crowds of people and doors opening and closing and when I opened my eyes I realised we were at the station. I sat up looking over at Sabriel still sleeping I didn’t want to wake her so I threw her bag over my shoulder and scooped her into my arms. It was time to take her home, to our family.

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