Tartaros (Part two)

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I pulled out my seraph pointing one in his direction "Holy Judgement" I chanted as golden light flowed from the blades like holy light. I heard a smug chuckle come from the debris and the demon still stood there without a scratch. I was a little taken back.

"Foolish girl" he laughed before using his own magic. The area around us became full of water and not just any water, it was poison. I held my breath. I couldn't see anything but it didn't matter I had to do something, breathing this stuff in would definitely hurt the baby and I had to protect this little nugget with my life.

Closing my eyes I focused on dispelling the water, the moon affected the tides after all. "Disperse" I chanted and the water evaporated. I took in a deep breath of the clean air now that I could breath again. When I looked around us I notice everyone else had gone and we were now in a different part of the broken down castle.

"well done your friends found my deep submerge rather difficult but you dispelled it with no problems, I'm slightly impressed. But you still won't live through this" he said a sadistic smile flashing across his face. I was distracted for just a moment but it was enough for him to make his attack.

"Deep Impact!" he chanted as he launched himself at me. His hand glowed purple which looked like it increased his attack power. He was so quick I wouldn't have time to dodge the attack completely, all I could do was manoeuvre enough he wouldn't hit me in the stomach. It worked but he still managed to clip my shoulder where a sickening crack resonated through my ears and a piercing scream followed which I then realised was my own. I was knocked back into the debris and when I looked down at the shoulder the took the hit it was hanging limply, dislocated. The sight of it made me cringe almost wanting to vomit, but I held it back.

"So pathetic" I heard a voice say. I blinked and in the next second I was somewhere else, just like the first time I met Hikaru but it was not her that had brought me here.

"Yami" I said simply and as if I had summoned her by calling her name an elegant figure appeared before me. She stood tall and graceful with long white hair and although she looked elegant everything about her reeked of power as if it oozed from her very pores because her body could not contain the power she possessed.

"How did I end up with someone as weak as you" she said obviously annoyed.

"I don't have time for this" I snapped. Her eyes turned red and she stared me down obviously not too happy at the tone I was taking with her.

"You honestly think you can defeat him with out me? You haven't even bothered to come for my power like you should have" she growled.

"I won't do it." I said simply.

"But you must!" she said getting angrier.

"NO! I will not do it, not like that!" I said

"WHY!" She bellowed.

"Because I want you to trust me. Because that would be humiliating and I don't want to do that to you. To break you would be to break your spirit and I won't do it. Tell me did my mother do it that way?" I asked impatiently looking over at the other moon goddess.

It seems I said something that calmed her as she no longer had a murderous look in her eyes. She shook her head in answer to my question.

"Then neither will I. I stand by my decision" I said firmly and I swear I saw half a smile grace her lips as she chuckled.

"You really are her daughter" she said to herself but I managed to hear her. She tuned to once again look me in the eyes.

"I will lend you my powers this once but once this is all over I expect you to come for me. If you defeat me I will merge my powers with yours willingly." She said seriously as she walked towards me and in the same way Hikaru she placed a hand over my heart.

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