Take Me Away

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When I opened my eyes sunlight was streaming through the open window. I tried to look around but noticed I was all tangled up.

When I looked down there was a hand around my waist and when I followed that arm to the owner I almost jumped out of my skin. Laxus was in my bed or more we were in a bed... together.

Not that we hadn’t done that before but this was different he was with Mira now. I felt so guilty as I carefully detangled myself from him and slipped from the room. Some beautiful person had brought me a bag of clothes and so I changed into the leggings and hoodie that was packed.

I tip toed down the stairs quiet as a mouse when I was caught.

“Sabe you’re awake that’s wonderful! I see you got the clothes I dropped in for you this morning”

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Mira trying to process what she said.

“You mean you saw...?” and she nodded genuinely happy

“Yes and you two looked so adorable!” she squealed

I sat down on one of the steps I thought maybe I was dreaming

“why are you so happy I was sleeping with your boyfriend!?” I said shocked by her strange behaviour

“Boyfriend? That’s strange first Erza now you? Laxus isn’t my boyfriend we’re just friends”

And with just that sentence the rest of the pain in my heart eased. I stood turning to go back to the infirmary and talk to Laxus when the master stopped me.

“Sabriel can you walk with me please?” he asked and of course obliged.

We walked through the streets of Magnolia when he began talking.

“I'm glad to see you’ve recovered wonderfully. Now do you remembered what happened?” I just shook my head in response.

“I don’t mean to be rude but where are your parents?” he asked
My heart ached at the memory.

“They were killed about 10 years ago in an attack in our village. They tried to protect everyone but lost their lives in the process, after that one of the elder women in our village raised me until I was old enough to go out on my own” I said remembering

The master looked rather upset by my news

“I'm very sorry to hear that. Your mother was a very good wizard and before she left she was part of this guild. I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you sooner you do look a lot like her” he said

I stopped and turned to look at him shocked. I knew my mother knew magic but I never knew she was part of a wizard guild let alone mine.

"I see your mother never told you” I shook my head dumfounded at the new information my brain was trying to process.

“She didn’t really tell me anything about her life before. She only told me bedtime stories about fairytail. It’s why I joined”

I now understood why she wanted me to find my way here one day.

“Lorelei had a unique magic a lost magic, one it seems you’ve inherited. In all my years I’ve never seen anyone else who could do what she could. Your magic is called lunar kinesis, it’s a rare form of celestial magic.”

“Lunar... Kinesis?” I whispered to myself And the master nodded

“The moon is a powerful source of magic in the world and you are one of the only people in the world who can access it’s potential. Your incident last night is not unusual now that I know who you are and who your mother is.” He said getting serious.

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