A Little Too Late

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FFWD 4days>>>>>>

We’d arrived home last night and the mission was a complete success. I was currently on top of the world as Erza and I walked the town.

It was such a nice day out I nodded in the direction of Erza’s favourite cake shops suggesting we grab a slice and some coffee and sit in the sunshine. As always at the thought of cake she was thrilled at the idea.

We sat at a table near the shop window that had the best view if the river as it was on a small raised platform with a little sun umbrella. I found myself with a piece of chocolate cake wondering when I’d chosen it, it wasn’t my favourite and once again I found my thoughts drifting to him.

I hadn’t seen him since that night which was a good thing I suppose, I had asked him to stay away and for once he was listening.

“Have you seen him lately?” Erza asked.

I’d ended up telling Erza everything, like I said we’d gotten close. I just shook my head in answer.

“Not to sound unsupportive but I think you’re being unfair to him. You should tell him how you feel before you just go and shut him out.” She said before stuffing another mouthful of cake in her mouth.

“I don’t even know how I feel” I said exasperated

“ Well that’s a lie. You know exactly what you want and how you feel,  you’re just scared” she said mouth still full of cake.

And that’s why we were so close she just got me and wasn’t afraid to call bull shit on my ass when I was being stupid.

“Just give him a chance Sabe he might surprise you, you just have to remember sometimes he’s a boy and they’re stupid. Sometimes they need things spelt out for them to get it.”

I took a deep breath processing the information she was giving me. I guess sometimes I need it spelt out for me too. I chuckled to myself. I stood up from the table and looked across at her.

“Maybe you’re right. I think.. i think I’ll go find him now.” I said brightly.
Erza stood grasping my hands in hers obviously excited.

“That’s right go get him, love can’t wait and when you get married promise I’ll be a bridesmaid!”

I nodded “I promise, if you stop giving me that creepy intense look” I said seriously.

I slipped through the gate near us and made my way down the steps.  I searched for him with my magic and was excited to know he was close by. There weren’t too many people around so I looked around on tip toes hoping to see him from where I was. When he finally came into view he wasn’t hard to spot.

But what I wasn’t expecting was to see Mira hanging off his arm. I kind of felt my world tip upside down for a brief moment before I told myself to get a grip. He was free to see whoever he wants. Like Erza said I never told him how I felt so what else was he supposed to do. I walked back up to the cake shop and grabbed Erza’s arm dragging her with me.

“ Well that was fast! Did you tell him? Where is he?” she said talking a million miles an hour.

As we walked down the stairs I just pointed to the two figures across the river and finally realisation dawned on her.

“Oh I see” was all she said. I think we were both so excited we didn’t really know what to do or say after that.

I suppose the good thing that came from it is I finally knew how he felt. I was just one slight infatuation that entertained him for a little while.
I turned my back to them and began walking the other way.

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