The hard truth

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Dawn broke the next day. I’d watched the sky turn from black to red and orange in a beautiful transition of colour. I hadn’t slept, I couldn’t.

As hard as I tried I couldn’t stop time and it was bearing our return to the guild. To reality. Laxus lay sprawled out on the bed tangled with the sheets and I envied how carefree he seemed. In his mind everything would work out.

But that’s because he didn’t know what I was. I was a freak and a monster, who could ever love someone like me? 

I sat alone on the balcony welcoming the dawn as I mentally prepared for the emotional onslaught I knew would come. After two days of bliss I had to tell myself it couldn’t be like this forever.

My heart wouldn’t be able to take the rejection unless I started telling myself it was all a lie now. I couldn’t say goodbye, so I finally came to the conclusion that I would leave.

It would be easier. I’d throw my life into training to become stronger, to control these things inside of me and when I reached my goals I’ll work. Maybe master will name me S class and I can do a century quest?

I didn’t bring much with me so once I had my bag packed I left the cabin.

“Where do you think your going?” a familiar deep voice said

I didn’t turn around but kept walking. The next moment a big rough hand slipped into mine holding on firmly as Laxus fell into step beside me.

“You shouldn’t have followed me” I snapped

“You shouldn’t have left” he said instantly

“ You’re just making this harder on the both of us” I said trying to make him understand

“Your making this more difficult than this needs to be” he again replied

I sighed giving up. He was just so stubborn. When we got back to town everyone was gathered in the guild hall as usual.

I stormed up to Erza seeking her presence as more of a comfort and dropping my stuff I sat angrily pouting. On the other hand I had managed to shake Laxus temporarily but it didn’t last long before he stomped over with that big arrogant walk of his picked me up and kissed me in front of the whole guild.

I struggled against him at first but it didn't last long before I was putty in his hands.

Cheers erupted throughout the guild hall and at some point someone had bought Laxus a congratulatory drink which he fully didn't deserve. The master came out and threw in his own congratulations.

“Good work my boy you finally did it!” he said happily

“It was just a kiss, hardly worth congratulating” I snorted under my breath

“Was it not a good kiss?” he asked smirking at me

I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing the truth so I lied.

“It was average” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Alright time to get down to business Sabriel it’s time” the master said.

I nodded following him out of the guild hall. Freed and Erza were behind us too. Laxus was about to follow when Mira stopped him.

“Actually Laxus there’s a job waiting for you. Master was waiting until you returned before giving it to you but I would probably leave as soon as possible” she said smiling.

He turned to look at me a moment and I just smiled mouthing “go” to him. Just because we were whatever we were didn’t mean he couldn’t go on jobs. I’m glad he wasn’t coming to watch. I didn’t want him to see what I would become because then the dream really will be gone.

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