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I awoke to loud knocking and no matter how long I waited it wouldn’t let up.

“What is it!?” I yelled sitting up in... Bed?

I looked around and noticed I was in the guild’s infirmary. 

“Hmm... I guess Laxus didn’t want to wake me” I said to myself.

I got out of bed walking to the door to find the knocking culprit.  But the person had already left. I suppose I was already up so I made my way down the stairs to the main hall, but instead of the usual chaos it was actually... Quiet.

“What’s going on?” I said looking around at everyone as I reached the bottom.

“SABE you’re awake!!!” I turned to my left to see Natsu and Happy coming at me at full speed and next thing I know I’m on the ground after being tackled.

“We’re so glad you’re back we missed you and Laxus has been so mean he wouldn’t let us make any noise while you were asleep!” Happy whined.

I sat up and stroked his head soothingly with one had while the other was wrapped around my ribs. Seemed even after rest it was still giving me some trouble. I turned my head away as I took on a small coughing fit and when I pulled my hand away I saw small spatters of blood in my hand. I quickly hid it wiping my hand on my dark coloured pants.

I stood up looking over at where Laxus sat and smiled warmly at him. Of course he’d do something like that. I turned back to Happy and Natsu

“Well I’m awake now so make all the noise you want” I said smiling.

“Woohoo!” Natsu cheered letting spewing flames from his mouth into the air.

I walked over to our usual table where everyone else sat and caught up with everyone. Of course they bombarded me with a millions questions about what happened and I answered them leaving out the bits about Laxus and I at the baths.

A few hours passed and I felt my energy draining again. I guess healing was really taking its toll on me.

“Hey guys I think I might head home now I'm feeling beat.” I said

The night air was so cool against my skin it turned raised with goose bumps. Not a moment later a jacket slipped over my shoulders with a familiar fur collar. I looked up knowing exactly who it was and he was looking straight ahead like it was nothing.

He didn’t day anything and neither did I, it was perfect. He followed me all the way to my apartment where I gave him his jacket back and after making sure I had gone in alright he left. I watched him walk away from my bedroom window.

That night I awoke in a panic, something was wrong with Laxus. I threw off the covers and sprinted out of the apartment not caring I was still in my pajamas. I headed in the direction I saw him walk earlier, but beyond that I had no clue where I was going.

“Laxus tell me how to find you”  I whispered closing my eye.

I concentrated focusing my magic on finding him. After a few minutes I felt it, I followed the flow of my magic until it led me near the outer area of town to a little house that stood all apart from all the others.

Not bothering with manners or even checking it was the right house I ripped open the door and ran up the stairs. My magic pulsed the closer I got to my objective before disappearing once I stood before his bed.

He lay there shaking and sweating muttering in his sleep, as I moved closer I realised he was saying my name. Not even giving it a second thought I climbed into his oversized bed And held him whispering words of reassurance in his ear.

My Dragon Slayer (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now