Chapter One

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Almost a year ago today I was kicked out of my home for being a wolf. I thought they loved me but the second I was even a bit different I was exiled. One thing about me is I love to run. I live in a huge forest near the edge of the city. It's perfect for running because wolf hunting is illegal in this forest.

I take a deep breath and I take off in a bolt. I love feeling the wind on my fur. It's so peaceful listening to the sounds of birds chirping. I'm almost glad that they kicked me out.

I stop dead in my tracks when I hear a howl. Another thing, the wolves in this area hate mutts. They are all in packs and well, mutts aren't. I snap out of my thoughts when the smell of multiple wolves enters my nose. I wait until they can see me before bolting in the opposite direction. I love taunting them because I know they can't catch up but they still try.

I run and run dodging trees and plants. I look back a couple of times to see the other wolves far behind me. I jump over the river that divides mutt territory and pack territory. The wolves stop at the river line and they howl. 

The rule is, pack members aren't allowed on mutt territory or they are banished and mutts aren't allowed on pack territory or they will be killed when they are caught.

I howl and I jump twice making them growl. I'm one of the only mutts that have been on pack land and have made it back alive. I howl again before running away. I run behind a tree and I shift. I pull the shrubs off of my clothes and I pull them on. I fix my hair before walking back to the river.

The wolves are gone. They use to stay for hours waiting for me to come back. 

I think the fact that I've been over the river so many times and made it back so many times makes them look breakable and weak. At one point they started paying other mutts to try and take me out. That's why I stopped hanging around groups of mutts. 

I've been living alone for almost two months now. Sometimes I think about moving back to the city but I'm only sixteen, it's hard enough getting a job when you're thirty. Imagine me getting a job now.

I wander around picking berries before making it back to my makeshift home in a tree. I climb the ladder near the base of the tree and I push the hatch open. I pull myself up and I close the hatch securing it with a thick stick to keep it closed.

Only a year in and Moon Blood pack hates me, I have all the mutts trying to kill me, and I'm bored.

I munch on the berries for awhile listening to the sounds of wolves howling. A couple of months ago I would have been terrified. I guess I'm still a bit scared that one day I'll wake up and the howling will be outside my treehouse and it'll be a wolf ready to kill me. 

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